Friday, July 31, 2009

Anyone want to help us move in?

Things are coming to an end with the house. Now it's just a bunch of little things to get finished before moving in. Yesterday Leven and I were both sick with a stomach virus. He got sick early Wednesday morning and of course gave it to me. I HAD to go home yesterday from work. I was so miserable. We are both feeling better and are ready to start loading our cars up and taking them to the house. This morning I had to meet the furniture lady at my house at 7:30 so they could unload our first load of furniture. I am so excited to have a new bedroom suit. Since I was up so early I decided to grab a load from the lake house and take it to the new house. It's kind of funny b/c a lot of our christmas gifts I never even took out of the box. So there was a gift that Taydem had never seen this morning and she was so excited to play with it. So that kept her busy while I helped unload the furniture and the rest of my car. I'm really excited about moving in and having our little family back together. It's been a crazy year and it will be nice to get back to normal for a change. I know my sister is ready to have her house back. Thanks for letting us stay with you ALL this time!!

Tomorrow we are headed to Dallas for another wedding! This one should be a blast. It will be our last little getaway before school and volleyball starts up again. Leven starts 2-a-days on Monday. I'm sure I will have lots of pictures to post from the wedding. Here are a few more I've taken of the house.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just our luck

Yes, we needed some rain. I understand that, BUT NOT when we need to pour our driveway. The inside of the house is pretty much finished and all we need to do now is pour the driveway, let it sit for a couple of days, and then start moving stuff in! It's just our luck isn't it? And it's suppose to rain all week long. I took some pictures yesterday of the floors being finished! Today they are putting on all the doorknobs, cabinet and drawer pulls, and finishing our master bath!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On the road again

Every day we travel 30 minutes to work and 30 minutes back home. I'm so tired of that drive. That is a huge plus when we get into our new home. We will only be 5 minutes away then! But it has been fun riding in the car with Taydem. She keeps me entertained that's for sure. She talks and talks and TALKS constantly. She gets that from her daddy. I took this video yesterday on our ride home. Don't worry, I was careful!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rain!! Yippee

It's raining it's pouring I wish I was snoring! Taydem kept us up all night last night. She couldn't stop coughing and then the coughing would wake her up and then she would whine and moan until one of us went over to her. I gave her some medicine and then put her in bed with us. She slept under Leven's armpit all night!! Taydem will probably have allergies just like Leven and Trever and they started bothering her this past weekend. Yesterday after work we all went over to the house to clean windows and Dad and Leven messed in the yard. We started sweeping the floors on the inside and all that sawdust must have got to her. Poor thing....

Right now it's raining so all the men that were going to work on the house decided to come tomorrow instead. They will work on the marble in the showers and backsplash in the kitchen. Once the marble is finished, they floors will be put down! I can't believe how close we already are. I ordered some new furniture yesterday so that's just as exciting. We needed new bedroom furniture for our room, new couch and chair for living room, and 2 pieces of furniture to go under our TVs since they will be on the wall. Later, we will buy some barstools and a TV for the gameroom. I also ordered Taydem a new bedspread for her room. We are saying bye bye to her baby furniture and getting into a big girls bed!! My mom is giving Taydem my bedroom furniture as a child! Thanks MOM! It's all coming together and we are extremely blessed for my parents help!

Trever's team lost to the winners of the South zone. Henderson won the first game, we won the second and Henderson won the last. It was kind of bittersweet. They had been playing since April so I think we were all happy for it to end. Leven was really happy. He was stressing me out for him being so stressed!

Have a nice week to all!

Friday, July 17, 2009

State Champs

Trever's team beat out Texarkana last night for the title of State Champs! They are actually the Northern Champs and will have a 2 out or 3 series against the Southern Champs on Saturday. This will determine who will go on to South Carolina for the World Series. Trever has been playing catcher this whole tournament and did a great job, considering how hot it was outside! I will also have to add that Leven has done an outstanding job coaching these boys.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Won again

Trever's team beat Spring Hill last night. They will play tonight for the semi-finals game against the first team they beat, Hughes Springs.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Longview Dixie Boys

Trever's team won again last night. Leven said it was the longest game ever. Tonight they play a team that they've already beaten twice (they were in our district). Hopefully they will win again so I can to watch them tomorrow night.

They are almost finished hanging all the lights, fans, putting in light switches, etc. and the granite arrived around lunch. I'm so ready to go check it out after work.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Nationals here we come

Trever's All-Star team played their first state game on Saturday afternoon and WON! They will play again tonight at 8. I won't be making tonight's game, but hopefully they will continue to win so I can go watch tomorrow night. Since we were gone all weekend I have tons of laundry to catch up on tonight. The championship game is Thursday night and we want to be playing in it. Nationals are being held in South Carolina this year. After his game on Saturday we drove on over to Lake Fort and spent the night with my cousin Whitney and her family and my Aunt and Uncle. We had a really good time visiting with all of them. Leven and Trever will be staying at their place while playing ball.
This week on the house:

They are putting in all the light fixtures and hanging fans today, the granite should be going in tomorrow or Wednesday and the AC will be turned on!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Balloon Races

There's just something about kids and balloons. And it doesn't matter what size the balloon is either. This morning on our way to work and daycare, Taydem and I saw a few balloons in the sky and I had to quickly point them out to her. She got all excited and started yelling ,"Boon, Boon!"
I saw where one was about to land and drove like a wild woman to get over to it before it landed so Taydem could get a closer look. There were already about 20 cars pulled over watching the action. This weekend is the Great Texas Balloon Race at the Longview airport. I've been going to this since I was little little! My parents live right down the road from the airport (literally) and they have always received complimentary passes to get in. BUT, Leven and Trever have never been and they've been picking on me all week about it. They will love it, just wait and see! Tonight and tomorrow night they will have the balloon glow (all the 60 something balloons spread out on the ground and when it's dark they start blowing their fire and lighting up the balloons. You can walk right down in the middle of all of them!), lots of good food and crafts, and loads of entertainment. This year singing is Charlie Robinson, Kevin Sharp and Kasey Musgraves.

Tomorrow at 3 Trever is playing in his first State tournament with his All-Stars team. If they win state, Nationals will be held in South Carolina. Wish them luck and have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Painting is almost finished!

Laundry Room



Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July

This weekend was so much fun! We always have a good time on the 4th. You simply can't go wrong with the lake, tons of food and drinks, family and friends! Friday Mom, Danin, Tay and I went shopping for the house. We needed to buy fans, light fixtures, door knobs, bathroom stuff, etc. Thanks to my mom for the help. That stuff overwelms me! After we were finished we met Leven and Trever out on the "island" while Mom kept Taydem for us. We had a blast. We stayed out there on the island until after 9 hanging out with friends. Saturday all the family came over and we stayed out on the island most of the day getting tons of sun and watching Leven and Trever play sand volleyball. That night we went out on the boat for the annual 4th of July firework show that Lake Cherokee puts on. There was a huge delay and didn't start the show until 11:30. We were all so bummed about not getting to see them this year. But we were all so tired and the babies were too! Here's a few pics:

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Our little angel is growing up right before our eyes. She will be 2 in August and I can say she's not a little baby anymore. The toddler stage is all around us now. Check out this picture:

(I just got her haircut in this picture)

I picked her up from daycare on Monday and her eye looked like that (this picture was taken Tuesday afternoon and doesn't look as bad as Monday). The bad part about it, her teacher was the one who socked her. The teacher (who just graduated from high school) felt extremely bad about it and was almost in tears when she was trying to desribe to me what had happened. She said she scratched her with her finger nail. She must have really put some power behind that scratch b/c her eye was bruished from it. I was really pretty upset with it, but seriously that's the bad thing about having kids in daycares. Yesterday she comes home with a bite mark up by her shoulder! Taydem is the smallest in her class and I think she gets pushed around more than the other kids. I've noticed at home she's hitting more and saying "No!" I guess the only plus to all this daycare business is she will learn to be tough.

A few things about Taydem right now: She NEVER watches TV. I'm not really sure why not either. We LOVE TV, but she's so busy all the time and won't ever slow down to watch a cartoon or anything. The daycare doesn't let kids her age watch TV, so I think that has a lot to do with it. She loves to EAT and always has. She loves any kind of fruit (so far) especially bananas, strawberries, peaches, and pears! She also loves any kind of pasta. It's messy, but she can really fill herself up on it. She is into chips now and loves to dip her food into anything (especially ketchup). She sees us dipping and thinks she has to as well. She loves her drinks and cause all drinks "Juice!" Her favorite thing to eat is a GRILLED CHEESE!

She enjoys pushing a broom across the floor, helping me wash clothes, putting her shoes on and off on and off, loves the water, giving kisses, dressing up, playing with dada before going to bed, and SLEEPING! We were blessed with a child who loves to take naps and go down for bedtime. That has never been an issue with us. She has just started paying attention to what she wears and then hearing people tell her how pretty she looks. She eats it up! I put her in a little tutu the other night and she got so mad at me when I took it off. She probably wanted to sleep in it!

Cabinets are in!

The cabinets all arrived on Tuesday and they started staining them yesterday. Take a look:


Laundry Room

Gameroom-Trophy case
