Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Season Finales

Ok. Since I'm such a huge TV watcher let's just talk about all these shows and their endings!

Grey's Anatomy- OMG, what a season ending! There's a few options on the ending. One, George is already in heaven and is waiting on Izzie to join him. Or, Izzie realizes where George is and is thinking maybe she wants to go back down. Or maybe even George is going to step into the elevator with Izzie and they come back alive together. It was by far the best ending ever and they really needed it since their ratings haven't been up to par!

The Biggest Loser- My sister and I love this show, but Leven hates it and calls it "The Fat Show!" Whatever, we love it. I really wanted Tara to win on this one. But as usual, in the end they all did really well.

Dancing with the Stars- I really liked Lil Kim, but once she got kicked off I had to choose another one. Out of the three, I think Shawn did the best. Melissa's "hip-hop" dance was pretty bad. It really showed that she is a white girl! Tony should've had her doing something that showed off her talent as a dancer. I don't even know who Gilles is!

America's Next Top Model- The girl that one has got the hottest body ever! She deserved it. The other girl, Allison, looks too scary to me with those bug eyes!

American Idol- Ok, this is the best show. I have been watching since Kelly Clarkson won. I picked that her and Carrie Underwood would win just by their audition. So now it's left up to Adam "Glambert" and Kris Allen. I think that Adam really does have a unique voice (in a strange way) and can sing like no other. But that's the thing, he's too different for my taste. I don't think I would ever listen to his music driving down the road. On the other hand, Kris' is DA BOMB! I could see myself sitting in a bar (although I don't go to many bars anymore since I am a mom now, but still you get my point!) listening to him play his guitar and piano. I love his sound, his looks, and his personality. I really hope KRIS wins this one. Either way, they are both going to do well within this industry.


Peyton Sparks said...

gonna go ahead and say that I completely agree with all of the above!! Ted hates my reality TV he doesn't have to deal with that working nights! haha Love ya'll.. see ya soooon!

Sterling said...

haha Girl i'm in the same boat!! Steven gets so mad because he says I live my life through them!! lol but its so funny and addicting! lol I can't believe you don't know who gills is, haven't you seen the sex and the city movie? if not you need to watch it, hes the hot naked man!!! lol :) its a really good movie!! I just have to find something to do with my time now that all my shows are over!!