Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sippy Cups and Pacifers

Taydem wasn't that big on her pacifers as a baby, but now that's all she wants. I told myself that I was going to get rid of that thing by the time she was 18 months. Did it happen? Well no. I got it to where she only uses it in the car and when she sleeps. She's down to only 1 pacifer left in the house so once it's gone, no more. Let's see if I can stick to that one. Taydem and I do a lot of driving in the car by ourselves and it's so easy just to give it to her so she will quit whining. It's my fault I know, but it's so much easier said than done. She also LOVES her sippy cup. Sometimes she won't go to sleep unless she's holding it in her hands. She walks around with it everywhere she goes. And half the time, it's empty! Does anyone have any ideas on getting rid of the pacifer??

1 comment:

Sterling said...

girl I wish I knew a way to help you get her off the paci, Jaxon still sucks his fingers but i don't know how to get him off them either! At least you can take the paci away! Thats probably what your going to have to do and just let her scream!! lol good luck!!! :)