Friday, February 27, 2009

Congrats goes to Trever

Trever is being inducted into the National Honor Society! Yea for him...Their ceremony is on March 12th. I am sooo proud of his smart butt!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 years...

So it's already that time of year. It's still hard to believe I've been out of high school for 10 years. I have had a crazy 10 years let me tell you. We are already planning our reunion for this summer. I'm in charge of Save the Date cards, invitations and RSVPS. We are having a little meeting tomorrow night to kick things off and go over everyone's ideas. It will be fun getting back together with some of my old girlfriends. Now let's go back to 10's a list of important things I remember....

- Went to Lon Morris Jr. College, made tons of really good friends that I'm still close with today
- Was cheated on and hurt in so many ways possiable...
- Graduated from there and did a semester at UT Tyler, hated it and headed on to Sam
Houston State University.
- I met TJ there and had 2 1/2 really good years with him...
- Huntsville was a blast! I had 2 good roomates, Danin and Sam...we partied like rock stars
together. There are so many memories while livin' it up in the trailor!
- I also had a couple crushes while being was a calf roper and the other played
football for just a short time...
- Bartended at Texas Roadhouse, cut up lots of meat at McKenzie's BBQ, and wore my western
attire while working at Cavenders! Just trying to get myself through college...
- Graduated from SHSU with a BBA and then started a year worth of Education classes.
- Finished that and headed back home for the summer until I found a teaching job.
- I found a job at Mexia and met my husband Leven the day of my interview (he did the
- Started dating Leven a few months after that interview. We were engaged 5 months later and
married 3 months after that...June 17, 2006 (Sam's birthday!)
- Started our life together, still in Mexia. I taught BCIS (computers) at the high school and
coached freshmen volleyball and basketball. I made some really good friends and mentors
while being in Mexia. People I will never forget.
- We got pregnant after only 5 months of marriage! Yikes! Taydem Elizabeth was born
August 22, 2007!
- We lived in Mexia for 3 years and then Leven was offered the head volleyball job in Longview
at Pine Tree High School.
- Now we live in Longview with my sister on the lake. We are in the process of builing a home. I
work now for an Environmental company.

I have seen three engagement rings in 10 years.
I have been to Cancun 3 times
I have been a bridesmaid in 8 weddings
I have sang in 3 weddings
Lost my Aunt to lung cancer
Had 2 seizures
I gained 2 sister-in-laws and now I have 4 nephews.
Ran a 5k brain is tired...enough for now!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yesterday after I picked Taydem up from daycare, I took her to a little park right down the road. I found out that she really loves to swing. She was having a blast....I took her out because I was ready to head home and she stopped and pointed back at the swing. So of course I had to put her back in there and push her some more. We finally got back in the car and she cried almost the whole way home. She was mad at her Mamma!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not a lot going on...

This past weekend we didn't have a lot going on. In the next few weeks though we should be pretty busy. Our house is still on hold b/c of all the paper's driving me crazy having to wait and wait for it to get started. My oldest brother, Dustin, is also in the process of building a house. They are getting their house plans finished this week. They are building in Tatum at the new sub division he and my other brother and dad built together. This house is going to be a pretty big house for their family. It should be fun watching us build together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She can be choosy, if she wants...

Taydem is not only surrounded by 4 boy cousins, but a lot of my friends have little boys. So she is surrounded by them all the time! She loves giving them kisses, which scares me a little. I guess she will always have a little boyfriend if she wants one...This is Brody Downs giving Taydem a kiss this past weekend. He is about 3 months older than her...look at her, she's all into it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

I did what?

So Saturday morning rolls around and my friend Natalie (works with me) decided she wanted to run in the Valentine's Day "Couple Run" here in Longview. She wanted her hubby to join her but he couldn't so I was next in line. I agreed to this crazy idea. I don't run...I just don't like it! Well it was a 5k run. (which is only 3 miles, but it sounds better when you say 5k!) It was 45 degrees that morning and I thought I was going to die. It took me 38 minutes to complete and boy was I glad the thing was over. I felt good afterwards but struggled the whole way through. I felt like I was back in athletics in school...running!! So here's a picture to prove that we did it...we got a t-shirt and some goodies for running in it.

Yesterday Truitt had his 4th b-day party. Chrissy had it in Marshall at Gym Fit. It was so much fun there. It's a gymnastics center and on the weekends they open it up for parties. They had all the trompolines, blow-ups and mats you could imagine. I really think the adults had more fun than the kiddos. Taydem wasn't really sure what was going on and was a scardy cat at first. I didn't realize she was so cautious. Truitt's birthday is really on Feb. 18th.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy V-Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone....

And Happy Birthday to my Aunt Connie...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a doll...

I got her pictures's a little preview...

what else can go wrong...

last night leven and i got half way through our digging and still hadn't found the papers. so we decided to call the lady who did them for us to see if you had copies. we got a hold of her husband (trainer in mexia) and he said she had them saved on their computer....hallelujah! she is going to fax them to me that's some good news.

yesterday morning i had a huge screw/bolt something of that sort in my tire. so i had to put some air in it on the way to work. i got it plugged yesterday. well this morning i get in my car and the battery is DEAD! what the heck...what else can go wrong? so i had to jump the car off before heading to work. let's just say i was late to work 2 days in a row.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


today leven and i have to did through all our crap in the storage to find our tax returns...i don't even want to do this. first it will probably take us FOREVER and second i will have to listen to leven grip the entire time. that's all he ever does....but the banker has to have these tax returns to finish the paper work on our house...what fun this will be! i will let you know how long it took us...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wet Monday

Today it's raining...yuk! I'm so sick of all this bad weather. Warm up for crying out loud.

I just got back from taking Taydem BACK to the doctor. Last week the doctor said she just had the "common cold." Gave me some samples to take home and that was it. Well over the weekend she coughed her head off, ran fever, and stuff started oozing from her ear. Which means, she has an ear infection. We put the tubes in her ears back in October and haven't had any trouble since, until now. It's so gross...b/c before she had the tubes all that stuff was just sitting down in her ears. The tubes purpose is to drain all that mess out. That's what you want, but it's still gross. Hopefully now after 3 anitibotics she will be well.

Trever had a good weekend. His first dance at Pine Tree was Saturday night. He looked so cute and grown up. I took some pictures before...he was so excited about it. Trever loves to dance and will do it even if no one else is joining him. He said he had a really good time.

Yesterday we ate lunch with the family. My Aunt Connie and Uncle Chuck and my Uncle Ed came to visit my parents, so Mom wanted to cook for them before they left...I love home cook meals! We saw the movie "Taken" yesterday. It was awesome. I hadn't even seen the previews to that movie...I think that's the first movie I saw a movie without seeing any previews. It was a really good movie...A+ is my book!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh lord....

Yesterday I had Taydem's pictures made for Valentine's. It was supposed to be a gift for Leven. I saw this photoprapher's website and she was doing this special for Valentine's. You pay $40 for a 30 minute session, 2 outfit changes, and she picks out 4 pictures and puts them on a CD for you to take anywhere and have them printed. I thought that was a pretty good deal. So I went and bought Taydem this adorable pink and black lace tutu and she had another CUTE outfit my cousin had bought her. Well let's just say it ALL went wrong. I was so upset. First, she got a cold Wednesday and I took her to the doctor hoping he could give her something that would make it all go away. The medicine helped a little...but her eyes were watery and puffy, her nose was red and raw from us wiping it so much, and she just didn't feel good. So although her outfits were cute, she looked like poop! And she acted so bad....She doesn't really understand "sit down", "smile", "be still" so she was all over the place. I wanted to spank her so bad, but then she would really throw a fit...The photographer said she got at least 4 good ones...I'm praying they are worth the next week I will post these crazy pictures!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

American Idol

American Idol is sucking it up this year! I hate all the drama they try to create during group week. It's so stupid...who wants to see drama ALL the time?? I'm ready for them to pick their top favorites and get on with the show.

We are also into The Bachelor again this season. Danin told me she got on YouTube yeseterday and found out who wins. She said people are CRAZY and have figured it out by looking WAY into the previews. I guess through slow motion. She told me who they are predicting and it makes we will see! I really like Molly and Melissa!

Taydem has a cold! I'm ready for Spring time weather. Her eyes are watery, nose running, and the drives me crazy...she just looks so miserable. She did feel better last night at least...she didn't wake us up!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Busy busy

We are now officially getting started on our house. Yesterday Leven, Trever, and Dad staked off the house. We got our plans back last week so after the gas company and the city of Longview so the house will work for the lot, we will get busy. I'm super excited!

On Saturday Taydem and I went to Tyler and met up with my friend Carla and her two boys, Jackson and Grant. I just love that girl! We don't see each other enough.

Our friends Cherry and Kyle had a Super Bowl party yesterday. Of course, Leven didnt' feel good still so Taydem and I went alone (Leven had the stomach virus all weekend!). Parties are always fun! We left at halftime to head home. I LOVE football and I wanted to watch the game so bad. All the ladies sat around in the kitchen or the play room and visited. I love that too, but I really love watching the game. So I left early so I could watch the rest of it at home with Leven. And it was a GREAT game! I wanted the Cardinals to win....but Leven had money on the Steelers!