Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Updated pics!

I can finally upload pictures now...yeah! Here are some recent ones taken at Leven's volleyball game, Trever's football game, and moving out of our home in Mexia...

Taydem thinks it's so funny when she walks...she thinks she's so big now!
The little boy in the picture with Danin is Samuel Willie. He had a huge crush on Danin when his daddy came over to help us move.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend update

This past weekend was a very nice one. The weather was so awesome and you could just sit outside all day long. Leven won Friday night against Sulpher Springs. So that makes him 5-0 in district play. He is off tomorrow night but is going to watch Longview and Hallsville play.

My birthday is Oct. 9th and Leven has already given my birthday present to me. He gets so excited about giving gifts that he can't hide them until the right time. He did very good this year. I wanted some new perfume and he brought home a Coach purse AND some perfume...I was so suprised! I wasn't expecting a new purse at all. And he picked out a really cute one. We went to a wedding Saturday night. It was such a perfect day for a wedding...We could not keep Taydem off that dance floor. She loves to dance...it's so funny. She just started bouncing to the music that night. The dance floor was kind of dark and she kept walking right in the middle of everyone. She almost got stepped on so many times. She wore us out. But it was cute!

Pray that our house sells...we are hopeing it will this month!

Friday, September 26, 2008

What a week!

We have had bad news after bad news this week. The biggest news is our house didn't sell. The closing date on it was yesterday. We get a call on Wednesday saying the people wanted to back out. What the %$&*?? We were sick to our stomachs. Long story and lots of excuses why they backed out. Crazy stuff...but we will get the earnest money from them. So now it's back to the drawing board on that one.

Yesterday one of Leven's top players tore up her knee. He was sick again!! They say it's her MCL (i don't understand all that ACL, MCL stuff) and she could be back in 2 weeks, maybe! Thank goodness they are playing a weaker team tonight and they are off on Tuesday.

Taydem is still fighting off an ear infection that she's had for almost 2 weeks. I'm so freakin happy they decided to put tubes in. Trever's girlfriend broke up with him last night...um hello..we didn't even know he had a girlfriend. He said they just liked each other. He probably didn't know she was his girlfriend. I told him to stay away from girls at this age...they are CRAZY! She texted him saying she was crying her heart out...isn't that funny?? Young love...we've all been there...

So now I just pray that our weekend is much better than this week! Until next time...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good news!

Last night Leven's girls beat their rival Hallsville. They were both 3-0 going into district, but the Lady Pirates pulled off the "W"! It was such an exciting game to watch. My whole family was there watching and cheering them on....my dad gets so into these games!

Taydem is walking around everywhere! It is the cutest thing ever...she's learning so much. I just want to eat her up!! Trever is a little "mac" these days. He's got a woman (we think)! Danin and I bug him about it all the time. He just smiles real big and acts like it's nothing. We saw them sitting together last night at the game. She's really pretty! Of course, taller than him...but hopefully not for long.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bye bye...

Well we are officially moved out from our house in Mexia. Mom and I headed down Thursday after work and we got almost the whole house packed. We ran out of tape and newspaper so we finished the rest on Friday. I went and watched the girls play volleyball that afternoon. It was soo good seeing everyone again. Then that night Leven and I went to the football game. We made it right after half. He drove in after his game against Texas High (he won, 3-0 in district now). Then Saturday morning we got the U-Haul and began loading. Thanks for all the help it only took 2 hours!! I still can't believe we fit our whole house in there...plus three other cars were packed to the max! It was sad leaving Mexia...that was our first home together as a family.

Yesterday my brothers, Mom, Dad,sister, and sister-in-law met us at the storage unit and helped us unload. So blessed for family...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's about time...

Well finally got our power turned back on yesterday. Thank goodness! I love my parents and all but I was so sick of packing a bag every single night. This afternoon we head to Mexia for a fun filled weekend of loading up our house. If anyone wants to help us move...just come over to Huisach St. Saturday morning!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Power please?

Well we are still out of power at the lake house...so we are shacking up with the 'rents. And that is getting really old. There was so much damage done by Ike in East Texas. I couldn't believe just how much. The winds here got up to 57 mph...isn't that crazy?? So tons of trees came tumbling down all around us. The lake got hit really bad...that's one reason why we don't have power yet. Tree after tree fell on power lines. I hate that this has happened to everyone...things like this always makes us closer.

This weekend we are heading to Mexia to pack up our house. Mom, Tay, and I are going down Thursday after work and the rest of the crew will drive down Friday after Leven's game. We have a lot to do ahead of us...

Leven plays his 2nd district game tonight against Marshall. And on Friday he plays Texas High!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Recent Pics!!

There's just something about a naked baby!!

Finally I took a picture of my short cut!!


Well another hurricane is headed our way...it seems to be dying down some already. We just pray that is does even more. I have family and friends down in the Houston area, so pray for them as well...stay dry! I don't think we will get much, probably just some rain.

Leven plays his first district game tonight against Longview! They are probably in the top three in our district. I will have to rush over there once I get off work.

I took Taydem back to the doctor this morning...another ear infection. This time it's in the opposite ear. She's been sick for the past few days and now we know the cause. This time the doctor said he would send us to an Ear, Nost and Throat doctor to see about getting tubes in her ears. Thank goodness!! Sweet Aunt Dain is off today so she's taking care of my baby....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bye Bye Hair...

Well I did it...8 inches off my hair! I love it!! It's about an inch or so below my ears!! Everyone loves it (including Leven) so that was a relief. My whole life I've had long hair and wanted a change. I wish I had a picture to show.

Leven's team beat Kilgore last night...so now he's 13-13!! It was a boring game...

Here's a picture of my friends that I taught with the past three years...I miss them bunches!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well it's raining again today...pouring down, and I just washed my car on Sunday. Work is getting really busy for me now. I love it!! Leven plays Kilgore tonight and if he wins this game he will be 13-13! This afternoon I'm getting my hair cut...I think I'm going to chop it off...I've been wanting to do this for a long time but Leven talks me into leaving it long...so we will see what I'm feeling like come 4:30. Taydem took 7 steps yesterday before she fell...she thinks it's so funny when she's walking and gets all tickled and falls. She's such a drama queen...I guess that's alright since she's around a bunch of mean boys all the time. Dustin and Molly (brother and wife) are preggo AGAIN. This will be their third child and we are all praying for a little girl!! Taydem would love to have a girl cuz!

Monday, September 8, 2008


We had a pretty good weekend....Leven beat Henderson Friday night giving him a record of 12-13. He plays Kilgore tomorrow night. Tatum got their butts kicked Friday by Jefferson...

Saturday we sat around the house all day waiting on Leven to get home from the JV tournament. We were supposed to go to Mexia Saturday afternoon and do some packing and get the yard mowed....BUT he didn't get finished with the tournament until almost 5...they did win the tournament though!! So we decided to stay home. We went out to eat and then played Putt-Putt. I haven't played Putt-Putt in like 10 years probably. We had a good "family" bonding time. I will add I made 5 hole in ones to Leven and Trever's 2!! And sweet little Taydem didn't cry on time...she loves being outside.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Short week...

This week flew by since not having to go into work on Monday.

Yesterday Trever has his first football scrimmage. It was an innersquad scrimmage, A team against B team. Trever plays the center for the B team. Leven went and watched and said he was the loudest on the field, of course. There are some really big boys in his grade they both tell me. So I guess that will be good in the future....

Tonight Leven plays in Henderson. Since they play so early I will be missing this game. Instead I'm going to the Tatum football game. They are actually playing against Jefferson at Pine Tree stadium. Tatum's football stadium is still going through tons of work right now and it still isn't finished. They got a huge jumbo tron, their field house got a makeover and new press box. Danin said it looks like a mini college football stadium!

Tomorrow we are headed to Mexia. Leven needs to mow and I'm going to start packing up boxes. In a few weeks we will head back and load up everything in a U-Haul. It feels so good to say that...Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The Lady Pirates BEAT the Whitehouse girls last night! Leven said they were "super excited" after the win. This group of girls have never beaten Whitehouse in the past so you know how that feels. They did so well in everything...passing, serving, and putting the ball where they weren't! I think I had my whole family there (except Dustin and Molly). My nephews are crazy and of course wouldn't sit still. They were just happy to be there....and with each other!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away....

Leven's girl's got second in the Gold bracket at their tournament! We had a great weekend with Jeni and Briget. I actually got to go out for a change, which was nice. We spent all day Sunday at the lake and playing volleyball. Taydem loves the lake!! She just played and played all day and by 7:30 that night, she was in BED!! Leven has another home game tonight against Whitehouse. This morning Taydem actually went to her daycare teacher and didn't even cry! We are making some progress.

I have a feeling it's going to be raining for awhile.