Thursday, November 20, 2014

Time Traveling

I can't even begin to explain my past week.  I have driven so many miles here lately for work.  I'm almost finished with my safety meetings.  These past meetings have been at 6 pm so it's been putting me home late at night.  So today, I'm dragging.  I'm trying to finish up getting everything ready for Taydem's Disney trip! They fly out on Sunday! Saturday morning we drive to Georgetown for a wedding, then drive to Mexia to spend the night with Grans, then Sunday morning we drive the Disney World ladies to the airport.  Not done yet.....then Monday I have to drive to Conway Arkansas for another safety meeting.  This is my longest travel! Leven is going with me, thank goodness.  And so thankful my parents are watching Tenlee for us while we are away this weekend and then again in Arkansas.  So HELPFUL!!! My meeting is actually Tuesday morning at 6 am and then I have one more Tuesday night at 6 pm in Talco.  Whew! Then I have one more in December then I'm done for the year until next year.  I'm sure Leven is just as excited as I am!
My nephew Truitt killed his first deer!
Leven killed another thing of skin cancer.  Ugh! He's so sick of this crap! I am too. It always scares me to death and he grips about having to pay for getting rid of it! One day he will start using sunscreen. OR he will just start staying out of the sun.
 We celebrated my sister's birthday this past Friday night and it was just nice to get out of the apartment and enjoy some time with friends.  I love this picture of us!
 One day I'm going to make the Thanksgiving lunch with Taydem at her school.  One day.  My mom is always the best for going and eating with her and Tucker.  She works right there in Tatum and she usually is working on the Thanksgiving Day lunch so it works out.  Taydem called her last night and asked if she would come eat with her.  I KNOW it made her day.  Parents come eat with their kids all the time up at the school, but Leven and I never eat with Taydem.  My parents never came and ate with us.  We work and my parents always worked! It's just how it is.  Taydem always asks me to and I always tell her "Momma has to work!" She will understand one day. 
 Austyn is working it in this picture.  Molly went and ate with her today for Thanksgiving! Loving her boots!

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