Friday, June 28, 2013

On the Road Again

Taydem is something else.  She's such a dramatic child and I'm afraid it's getting worse.  So on our way home from Mike's memorial service in Mexia, this is her:
First- Fun, smiling, having a good time, laughing, tons of facial expressions, etc.

Then-Demon face! She was mad at me because I wouldn't download anymore games for her on my ipad.  So I get this face.  We see this face a lot.  She's all into the rolling eyes and it drives me crazy. 
Last- Finally some peace and quiet.  We never get to listen to the radio much in the car because she is constantly talking.  She gets ALL of this from her Daddy, not me! Wears us out! But she fell asleep like 5 miles from our house, go figure!
Taydem loves to take pictures of herself on our phones or ipads.  Check her out! Like I said at the beginning-she's something else! Happy weekend!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mike Austin

This past Saturday night was a hard one to stomach.  Leven and I had been over in Shreveport at the boats all weekend when we get a devasting phone call that my mother in law's husband had a heart attack.  It was crazy and unexpected.   We got the phone call just before 9:00 and they got Mike to the hospital and all seemed ok.  They were going to go ahead and prep him for open heart surgery.  But he never made it.  Shocked is the best word to describe this feeling.  We got another phone call just after midnight about his passing and Leven and I loaded up our things and headed back to Longview.  Leven did not want his mother to be alone during this difficult time. 

We aren't sure why things like this happen.  We continue to ask the question "why" over and over.  Ann had found a wonderful guy that adored her and was to spend the rest of their lives together.  One minute you're together next minute you're not.  It breaks my heart.  I can't even imagine what she is feeling right now.  I only pray for healing and understanding. 

I started this blog 5 years ago for Ann and Mike.  I wanted them to be able to keep up with our crazy busy lives.  And I know they read it all the time.  Taydem adored Mike and Mike adored her.  They were buddies.  This picture of them together on the four wheeler was something they did together every time we came to visit.  Their mailbox was a long ways away so Mike would take Tay on a ride to get the mail.  Ann and Mike always had mail in their mailbox for Taydem.  She couldn't wait to open the mailbox up to look for her name on one of the envelopes.  Inside the card was usually a dollar or two and she loved it! Poor Mike was slap worn out everytime we got ready to leave because of Taydem.  They loved getting in the "swimming pool" (their hot tub), taking nature walks on their trails, feeding all the animals, playing the drums and doing their indian dance, and opening presents! Mike always had a gift for Taydem.  In other words, he spoiled her and she loved every minute of it.  She doesn't understand at all what has happened.  She asks about her Grans every hour it seems like.  We will miss Mike.

Mike was also in the military where he served this country great! Just look at all his medals. Not one but two purple hearts were given to him because he saved two lives while in Vietnam. We never knew of this story because he was such a humble man.  He had been shot in the head and still managed to drag two men from a tank before it exploded. Wow!!!   Gives me chills just thinking about it. 

Please continue to pray for my mother in law, Ann.  Bring her peace Lord and understanding. 

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On the Road

I have really put in some miles here lately.  Today is Wednesday and I've already put in over 30 hours for this week. Whew! Lots of driving alone sucks, just sayin'! I'm glad I'm through with my meetings until next week.  Today has been pretty low key in the office.  I'm just mainly catching up from the last two days.  Tomorrow and Friday we will be out at the API golf tournament.  I played last year.  Not sure what I'm going to do this year.  My company has a new cook trailer and will be set up on one of the holes cooking all day for the golfers.  This cook trailer is pretty much like a huge kitchen! It's really cool.  It has a flat screen TV on the outside and a huge sound system.  The entire golf course will know where we are! Should be a good time, but HOT!

Then Friday afternoon Leven and I are headed to Shreveport to get away for our anniversary.  We are going to RELAX all weekend together. I'm excited.  My sister is watching Taydem for us Friday night and my SIL will watch her on Saturday night.  Thank the good Lord for family! Shreveport just built a new casino, Margaritaville! We are going to lay around the pool all day Saturday and RELAX! I can't say that word enough, RELAX! I'm sure there will be some gambling going on!

Trever has been at his mom' s the past week or so working his little butt off.  He's getting a good feeling on how 40 hours per week works! I think he may come in this weekend, but we won't be here.  I'm sure he would rather see his girlfriend then us anyways.  He had another baseball tryout up in Irving yesterday at Northlake College.  It started raining so they didn't get to bat.  They asked him to come back next Tuesday so they can watch him bat some.  Leven said they really like Trever. 

Taydem has been with her daddy these past 2 weeks, ALOT.  While I'm running the roads, Leven is playing Mr. Mom.  He does a good job at it and she loves to go go go! Have a good weekend.  Happy Hump Day folks!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Today marks mine and Leven's 7th wedding anniversary.  It's been a good 7 years for us both.  Marriage is by far the hardest thing I have ever done.  It's work. There's sacrifices. Full of compromises. Full of tears and full of slap your knee, belly hurtin' laughs! Thank goodness for a sense of humor.  The good Lord was watching over us both when we first met in Mrs. Crowder's office a little over 8 years ago.  Who would have ever thought our paths would cross and we would be married 8 months after dating each other.  We've seen a lot together and shared so many fun memories.  I can only imagine what else is in store for us. So cheers to us! I love you Leven Rance!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Zombie Mode

Yesterday morning and again this morning, my day started at 4:15 am! Yup, you read that correctly...A.M.! Whew...I am feeling like a zombie right about now.  We are doing safety training for a company and they have about 10 different "yards." So we have to visit each yard this week and next week and give them training on SPCC plans and Stormwater plans.  And these different locations are far and near.  Yesterday we drove to Minden Louisiana and this morning we headed to Overton and this evening I have to go to Tenaha.  This evening I have to do the Tenaha yard by myself.  I do "ok" getting up and speaking in front of people ONLY when I know what I'm talking about.  Or at least feel comfortable with what I'm talking about.  I can sing in front of a crowd all day long, but talking is so hard for me.  Leven is really good at it.  So I'm gonna be a basket case tonight.  At least I have an hour and a half drive down there to go over what I'm going to say!
Taydem lost her first tooth last night.  Trever pulled the tooth for her, for us! Leven and I just couldn't do it.  I hope from now on she will pull her own teeth.

Trever had a baseball tryout yesterday at Tyler Junior College.  And then this morning he headed to his mom's for the summer and to start his new job.  I helped him load his truck up with all his belongings and hugged him goodbye.  He will visit us on the weekends now.  Weird saying that.  Taydem is so sad.  She cried twice last week when he was on his senior trip and she will probably cry lots more this summer.  She loves her Bubba.
Here are a few recent pictures:

 This is a picture of my Meme (bottom right) and her band!

 My nephew Ashby was getting tested here for all the different things he's allergic too. Poor thing.

 This past weekend my niece Brittyn stayed the night with us.  Her parents were in Mexico!

This is my other niece, Tyler!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I can be a pretty random person. So yesterday I had one of those moments. I wanted to go try Painting with a Twist here in Longview. But I didn't want to go alone. So I texted about 20 ladies and my friend Betty was the only one that jumped on the invite! We had a really good time. So glad she came with me. I will def do this again. I found the inner artist in myself last night.

A garage sale is happening at my house on Saturday people!! Wish us luck!
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I really hate to diet or even eat healthy! I try to just not eat a huge amount when I do eat. And I exercise. But after this past weekend I need to do a little better. So my supper last night consisted of this. By 11:00 I was starving and my stomach was growling! Yes, we are night owls. We stayed up last night watching the Tennessee vs Oklahoma girls softball game.

We have a family pretty interested in our home. Please please say a prayer for us! We will know more after this weekend.

Little by little I'm gathering up stuff for our big garage sale on Saturday. Putting out signs today.

Happy Tuesday. I want to leave you with this picture of my oldest brother and my niece Austyn! Precious!!

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Monday, June 3, 2013

40 years

We celebrated my parents 40th wedding anniversary this past Saturday night! Mom just had a very busy weekend at her house.  But since the remodel a lot of their family and friends haven't seen the finished look.  Dad and his blue grass band sang and we had tons of BBQ and dessert.  I seriously ate so much this past weekend that I'm putting myself on a smoothie diet! Seriously!

My brothers, sister and I surprised my parents with a huge picture of the 4 of us that we had made. Of course I'm always the one that gets picked to stand up and talk in front of everyone so I started my little speech and I looked at my dad and he was already tearing up! When my brother's carried out the picture he gasped for air and the tears started falling.  He's so sensitive. Sweet Daddy! My mom was so proud of that picture.  She carried it around to everyone and let them take a look.  That's what it was all about.  We want them to be proud of us and proud of themselves for the way they raised us.  The picture was a huge success....thank goodness!

My parents make me happy.  They have done everything possible to raise us up right.  We continue to watch and learn from them every day.  40 years is a long time.  And it's a really long time to be with just one person.  They are soul mates. They are best friends!

All smiles and a few tears

  We had probably one of the craziest weekends yet so far.  I took off half a day on Friday because I knew I had a lot to do before Trever's graduation party at 5.  Thank the Lord my parents hosted the party for us.  With their new and upgraded home, they easily fit our 50 guests for Trever's party.  The party went so well.  Trever was all smiles the entire time.  We had lasagna (thanks Gwen!), chicken spaghetti that I made and my mom made her famous goolosh! Trever's mom brought all the bread, salad and drinks and we had chocalate cake and cobblers for dessert.  Leven tried to give a little speech but got all choked up and started crying.  So sweet.  He was mad after the fact because he said he had a lot to talk about! Here are a few pictures from Trever's big night! Congrats Trever! We love you!