Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Down the Court

Trever's basketball team won last night against their big rivals...Hallsville! It was an awesome game and the student section came out to support! I love their energy. Trever sprangled his ankle Sunday night (playing basketball of course) and it was big and black last night.  Then all day Monday he stayed home from school with the stomach bug.  Super proud of him for toughing it out and playing last night.  I know at times he was about to die! He's such a good leader on the court. They will travel to Marshall on Friday.

My two precious nieces are both about to turn 1! can this be? Tyler's birthday party is this Saturday and then Brittyn's birthday will be on Super Bowl Sunday. 

Leven and I still talk about having one more child.  We both go back and forth.  Sometimes I feel it's more me that doesn't want another one more than Leven.  I know Taydem would be the best big sister in the world so I feel she deserves to have a little brother or sister to grow up with.  I really just wanted Trever to finish high school and we get him going into college before we had anymore. Plus with my past seizure history, I know both my doctors will make me get back on medication before we get pregnant.  I hate taking medication and I really hate taking it while a baby is inside me.  That's just another issue I have about getting pregnant again.  So we will see............

Happy Hump Day!

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