Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Trick or treat is tonight. Can't wait to get sick on all Taydem's candy! She was excited to wear her bunny rabbit costume again this morning. Gosh, today feels great, right? My parents are finally making their way home from Tennessee! They've been missed.

The Lady Pirates lost last night. First time in a long time Leven didn't make it past the first round. He was bummed. But you just have to pick yourself up and move on.

Hunting season has begun. Love this time of year. This Saturday we are heading down to my Aunt and Uncles deer camp for a fish fry and tons of laughter! My family is my rock!

The pics below explains why I LOVE kindergarten!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


First up-----prayers for the east coast. Crazy crazy freakish weather happening
I took a few pictures of Leven jumping with Taydem on the trampoline this past weekend. For one it was just plain sweet to watch and second because that was the first and probably last time I will ever catch Leven on a trampoline!!!

Volleyball season is starting to come to an end I'm afraid. We play our first game of playoffs tonight against Royce City. If we win we will advance to the next round and that game will probably be Thursday or Friday.
It's so hard to believe October is almost over.
Did I ever mention Trevers grades?? He is taking two duel credit classes (which means it counts as a college class as well!) He made a 100 in college algebra and a 100 in college government!!! Yes, you read that correctly! Super proud of him. He started basketball practice last week. Here we go.....
I will leave y'all with a few more pictures. Happy Tuesday.
One more thing: GO VOTE!

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Dallas Cowgirls

I love sports! But I've never been a huge "team" sport fanatic. I enjoy watching whoever is playing or really, whoever Leven is watching!  Of course I would choose any Texas team over another team, but I'm not all crazy about a certain Texas team.  So every time the Dallas Cowboys or Texas Rangers are playing, I would rather read everyone's status updates on facebook about how they are playing.  There are some huge haters out there.  The minute Tony Romo is doing bad, everyone talks crap about him and the team.  The minute they start doing well, those same people are pulling for them again.  Cracks me up! So I don't really care out of Baylor, Texas or A&M or even Tech....I pull for them all.  But this picture cracks me up:

happy monday folks!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Playing dress up is FUN

So we went to another Halloween costume party last night. Fun times with fun friends. Last weekend while we were at our first Halloween party there was a couple dressed as cheerleaders! I just had to get my hands on those uniforms. Leven Barker as a cheerleader.....perfect in every way! So I made some calls and got the uniforms for us. But the hardest part was getting Leven in that cheer uniform. He was the best sport about it and finally agreed to it. We had a blast at the party. Here are some pictures.

I want to send a Happy Birthday shout out to my fabulous mother in law, Ann!! Love you!!! Have a good day!

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week for all schools. I didn't even know this until I saw everyone posting pictures of their kids on Facebook. Somehow I never saw that note in Taydems backpack. So today I finally got with the program. Kindergarten stresses me out sometimes. Bring this, read this, sign this, color this, buy this, etc. Its always something. It's just something I have to get use too. Taydem loves it!! So today was wear your favorite college team shirt. Here's a picture Taydem's teacher just sent me!

Taydem loves her Mickey Mouse robe! She's had this for a couple of years but is now sleeping in it every night!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Whip it....whip it good

This is my nephew Truitt. I think today is Rock Star Day at his school for drug free week!

This is my nephew Aidan. He is recording a Christmas song for our church choirs Christmas CD!! Go Aidan!!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

A little Update

Last week I headed to San Antonio for work.  The only other time I have ever been to San Antonio was my first year of teaching.  I was a senior sponsor and their senior trip was an overnight trip in San Antonio.  It's just to dang far for us North East Texas folks! We got our work done, saw the Alamo, ate good and headed back the next day.  LONG short trip!

This is Robert. We worked together at ESA and he is now living/working in San Antonio. Called him up!

One of our favorite places to eat in Waco, George's.  Leven loves the Crazy Wings.  So I stopped on my way home and bought him some!
Leven's volleyball team is tied for first place.  They have their last district game tomorrow night against Marshall and it should be an easy win for them.  Then they will have a playoff game against Texas High to see who goes 1st and who goes 2nd for district play. 

Taydem and her friend Alex
This past Saturday Leven and I went to a Halloween costume party.  Had a good time meeting new friends.  Our costume was kind of thrown together last minute.  But it worked....BIKER peeps!

red lips and lip ring up close!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


  I am soooooooooo addicted right now to! I love family history and especially MY history! So far on my Dad's side of the family, I've traced back all the whole to the 1200's! Ca-RAZY! A lot of his kinfolk were from Devon, England.  Back in the day they were popping out kids left and right.  The most I've seen so far were 18 kiddos (from Mom's side)!  I would say the average life span I've seen would be 40ish. But the coolest part of my family history I've learned so far is........Royalty! My mom's dad's grandmother's family had a CASTLE..... Sir Lord Richard Croft.  The Croft family has a castle in Herefordshire, England and it's still there today.  I believe now it's for tours!!
Eastnor Castle
Pretty cool, right?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall into Fall

Friday was a huge bummer for Leven and his Lady Pirates. They lost to Texas High in a hard fought 5 game match! So now we are currently tied with Texas High each having one loss a piece. On a positive note to that game, I got to visit with a good friend during the game...Kik!

My niece spent the night with us on Saturday. She is two years younger than Taydem and they just love each other. Taydem's Primary school had a Fall Carnival so Austyn got to join us. Leven and Trever were playing baseball in Nacogdoches.
Miss Bunny & Miss Ballerina

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Thursday, October 11, 2012


I'm hooked on Pinterest just like every other woman in this country. So last night this is what I made:

These are sooo good and sooo easy to make. Just roll em up! Perfect party app.

This is my 3rd lipstick I've bought in a week. What's going on with me? I've never been a lipstick lady.

My two loves! Snoozing away....

Leven was awarded Tuesday night by his team for reaching 400 wins this year.  They gave him a plaque and a picture w/ frame that they all signed.  It will look great in the trophy room at home!  Group HUG! Big game tomorrow night.  If we lose, we will be tied for first with this team we are playing.  If we win, then we pretty much have district in our hands!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Another year for me

Happy 32nd birthday to ME!! Wow....say that number out loud to yourself....32! That's a long time. I am super blessed to have lived this long and can't wait for the next 32.  My life is full of laughter every day (thanks to my husband) and full of love and support from family and friends.  I am a happy woman these days.  My sweet friend Laura (who also recently got a job at my office) made me a cake! of my favs!

But getting older also means taking better care of yourself and your SKIN.  So I recently purchased Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty products.  I should be getting them in the mail sometime this week.  I've heard really good things about this product so we shall see. 

Leven has another district game tonight.  5-0 in district and according to the Texas Girls Coaching Association, they are ranked 6th in the state for class 4A!

Trever is still working at Jucy's, but will stop next week because basketball season is approaching...FAST!  Tomorrow night he has a choir concert and I think he's singing a duet.  I will try and video it. I think he made all A's and one B this first 6 weeks.  Not positive though.  He needs to show me the report card so I can pay him!

Taydem is loving Kindergarten every day! She's so a little woman.  She wanted to be a pink rabbit for Halloween (not sure where this came from) and so I made this happen. Her costume should be arriving in the mail sometime this week.  Her school is having a Fall Carnival this Saturday and she is tinkled "pink!"

These are a few pictures I found on her teacher's website and wanted to share with you.  Have a great Tuesday friends!

Monday, October 8, 2012

If I only had a brain

Ever since I bought this scare crow for Fall decor, Taydem has been obsessed with it. When I first bought it she was probably around 2. She would dance with it, carry it around the house like a baby doll or put it in time out! After 3 years, she's still at it. Cracks me up! Poor scarecrow.

Here is a pic of Trever at the Homecoming Pep Rally last Friday. A mom took the picture and tagged me on Facebook. Can you find him?

My birthday is tomorrow! Here's an early birthday present from my parents! Don't hate!!! :)

Happy Monday!

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Whistle while you work

Happy Friday! And guess what? Taydem can now whistle.  She's whistles a lot. Everywhere. Won't stop! She's so proud of herself.  I love that even at this age she is so determined.  She practiced and practiced until she could tie her shoes.  And now she's learned to whistle.  I'm calling it now.  She will be just as competitive as her momma, daddy and bubba one day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lady Pirates on a ROLL

After Tuesday nights game against Hallsville, I needed to lay down! We lost the first game, but won games 2 and 3, BUT LOST game 4.  So that meant we had to play game 5 (which no one wants to play or WATCH!). We ended up winning 15-12. When I got in my car I was soaking wet from sweating so much.  Last year Leven had a really good team where he could sit on the bench and pretty much let them play the game. This year he is really having to "coach" more.  These girls are so fun to watch.  Numerous times they have been behind, but rallied back for a win.  They are a really good defensive team, where last year it was all offense.  So they are now 4-0 in district play and 24-5 overall.  Crazy good volleyball we've seen so far!