Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get this Roomba started!!

My husband is getting sweeter and sweeter the older he gets. For the past few months I have been dying to have an irobot Roomba! My cousin Chelsea introduced me to this little awesome vacuum robot back in the fall and I have wanted one every since. I'm not kidding when I say this....I sweep every day! From the dust, to the crumbs, to the baseball field dirt my family keeps me busy with those dang floors. And yes, I can  probably be a little OCD about my floors, but I can't help it. If I can see it on the ground it needs to be picked up. So last night Leven snuck the Roomba in our bedroom and put it under the covers for me to find! I was sooooooo excited. I got it out of the box right away and started reading up about it. I charged it overnight and this morning it took it's first spin around my house. My favorite part of the whole idea of this robot sweeping my floors----it docks itself on the charger when it's done. You can also set a time every day for it to turn on and work its magic. I will do it everyday right before I come home from work! That way I will have a smile on my face when I walk through the house. Yes, it's not cheap...but oh so worth it!

1 comment:

CMAK2 said...

best.invention.ever. so super impressed with leven!