Monday, November 29, 2010

Food, Football, Family and Friends

Wow, I can hardly keep my eyes open as I type. We had a busy "FUN" Thanksgiving holiday. Thursday morning we got up and headed to my Meme's for tons and tons of food, visiting with the family and of course I think football was on every TV in the house. My poor Meme wasn't feeling good at all that day. Let me remind you about my Meme. She's 87 and still doesn't take medication. Now my Papaw on the other hand pops about 20 pills a day. What I'm trying to tell Meme is doing quiet while for herself! But the day before Thanksgiving she just wasn't thinking straight and was using a hand blender and some meat got stuck in the blades. Instead of TURNING the blender OFF first, she stuck her finger up in the blender to unclog the meat. And you can only imagine what happended when the meat become unclogged! Yup...My aunt said my Meme's finger looked like a curly fry. She had to get15 stiches. Poor thing. They gave her some pain killers but she became really sick off the meds. We all felt so sorry for her. And she hated that she felt bad especially since we were all at her house! We hung around all day and finally headed to The Barker house around 7.
Friday morning was spent putting Christmas decorations out!! I got everything out and put up except for the Christmas tree. I'm excited this year for Christmas because Taydem actually understands it all. She still doesn't like Santa but we are working on that. Danin and I went to the movies that afternoon and saw "Love and Other Drugs." Pretty good...especially since Jake Ggllenhaal is in it and is NAKED (well it shows his butt a few times, ha) !! He is soooo cute to me. That night Leven and I went to the boats with some "new" friends of ours, Cara and Aric. We had a ball. I actually won $130 playing BlackJack and of course we danced for a few hours. We got back to our house around 1 and started playing spades. We didn't finish until 5:30 AM!! I was worn out that next day. Thank goodness Taydem spent the night with my parents that night.

 Saturday we headed to my parents around 3 to catch the bus (my dad and uncle bought a motorhome). We were ALL going to the Tatum Eagle football playoff game. Yes, we still follow those Tatum Eagles! Once we got there, we feasted on BBQ, dips, and desserts until game time. The Eagles won 49-7 and are advancing to the next round.

1 comment:

Amanda LaVergne said...

Your Thanksgiving weekend looks like it was amazing. Your whole family is sooo beautiful!