Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bootcamp and "Fresh Meat"

I started back with another long 6 weeks of bootcamp. After I get going and get ALL the sore out I actually enjoy it. Right now, as I'm typing, my arms are killing me! From July to November I got extremely out of shape.

So this morning (5:30 AM) I here, "Isn't that right Fresh Meat?" At first I thought, why is he saying that and WHO is he saying that too? Let me stop right there and let's back up....

When my youngest brother was in school he ended up with the nickname "Meat." And really it was only a short time in high school when he was even "chunky" I guess you can say. But the name stuck and that's what ALL of his friends called him. When Darin was being called Meat, my sister was like in 5th or 6th grade and she was some what chunky during this age. And so all his friends started calling her "Lil Meat." Oh boy did she hate that! I felt so sorry for her bc they all thought it was funny (in a cute way), but she hated it. It hurt her little feelings and embarressed her. Once she got older (in high school) every now and then she would run into his old friends from high school and they would still call her that. She finally fired down on one of them! She's no "Lil Meat" anymore. Now I was a freshman when Darin was a senior and I quickly got the name "Fresh Meat." Hmmmmm....yes I was a "fresh"man, but I'm guessing I was young and new and CUTE to all the senior boys and they all thought they were going to hit on Darin's little sister. That NEVER happened! (But I did like all the flirting. Heck, they were seniors for crying out loud)!!

Back to this morning: Jamie Crawford graduated with Darin and was one of his good buddies in school. Jamie is doing the bootcamp as well and he's the one that yelled that out to me! I have seriously not heard that name since I was in 9th grade! How funny....and yes, it made me smile!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hahaha! Good luck with your bootcamp girl!