Thursday, January 28, 2010

Headed to Plano

Our first volleyball tournament is this weekend in Plano. We will have to get up around 4 on Saturday to get there in time! Ugh, but really I've been kind of use to getting up that early lately. Speaking of getting up early, my last day of bootcamp is tomorrow morning. I really can't believe how fast these 4 weeks flew by. I loved it so much I'm going to continue getting up and working out before work. Ok, so back to volleyball. I'm excited about our tournament, but a little nervous too. I just really want my girls to do well. Thank goodness Leven will be with me. We are staying with our friends Lucas and Aliya again. They live like 10 minutes from the gym where we will be playing so they are nice enough to let us shack up again, with Taydem being with us! So I'm excited about seeing them too.

Trever has been doing well this season in basketball! Last Friday he shot 4 three pointers and made all of them. 4-4 is pretty dang good from the 3 point line. He's growing up so fast and turning into a pretty good guy. And cute I must add! He's pumped already for baseball this year. Tryouts for the team are this weekend!

Taydem has been sick with a horrible cough for about 2 weeks now. Early Monday morning she came into our room crying her little head off. We knew right away that she had fever. She seriously was on fire! Turned out she had 104 temperture. Scared us to death. We gave her some Tylenol and put her in a luke warm bath to hopefully drop her temperture. Slowly we watched it go from 104 to 102 in about 30 mintues. The next morning I got her an appointment and got her some meds in her little body quickly. She feels better, but that cough! Ugh. I feel so sorry for her when she's hackling. She's so sweet and is adorable. We just love to watch her and thank God she's ours. Her new thing is jumping on the BED! We need to hurry up and get that girl a trampoline.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did we start the trampoline thing?