Thursday, January 28, 2010


That's all I can say, is "Awh!" These were taken nearly two years ago. She's such a joy in my life!

Headed to Plano

Our first volleyball tournament is this weekend in Plano. We will have to get up around 4 on Saturday to get there in time! Ugh, but really I've been kind of use to getting up that early lately. Speaking of getting up early, my last day of bootcamp is tomorrow morning. I really can't believe how fast these 4 weeks flew by. I loved it so much I'm going to continue getting up and working out before work. Ok, so back to volleyball. I'm excited about our tournament, but a little nervous too. I just really want my girls to do well. Thank goodness Leven will be with me. We are staying with our friends Lucas and Aliya again. They live like 10 minutes from the gym where we will be playing so they are nice enough to let us shack up again, with Taydem being with us! So I'm excited about seeing them too.

Trever has been doing well this season in basketball! Last Friday he shot 4 three pointers and made all of them. 4-4 is pretty dang good from the 3 point line. He's growing up so fast and turning into a pretty good guy. And cute I must add! He's pumped already for baseball this year. Tryouts for the team are this weekend!

Taydem has been sick with a horrible cough for about 2 weeks now. Early Monday morning she came into our room crying her little head off. We knew right away that she had fever. She seriously was on fire! Turned out she had 104 temperture. Scared us to death. We gave her some Tylenol and put her in a luke warm bath to hopefully drop her temperture. Slowly we watched it go from 104 to 102 in about 30 mintues. The next morning I got her an appointment and got her some meds in her little body quickly. She feels better, but that cough! Ugh. I feel so sorry for her when she's hackling. She's so sweet and is adorable. We just love to watch her and thank God she's ours. Her new thing is jumping on the BED! We need to hurry up and get that girl a trampoline.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tay and Trev

I bought Taydem a new bathing suit the other day. I couldn't help myself it, was only $5! So of course she put it on and wouldn't take it off. She loves to take pictures and then runs to the camera to see what it looks like! crazy crazy! Check her out:
Her dance move

Here are some of Trever's pictures from Cancun in his "bathing suit":

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

7 more days and yes she's potty trained!

We have 7 more days of this 5a.m. workout! I honestly am so happy that I have done this. I haven't felt this good in a really long time. The only complaint I have is I'm getting bigger, muscle wise! I want my arms to get more tone and yes my butt and legs, but heck I can't fit in my jeans! Leven says my booty is growing, finally! I've never really had a butt and after having Taydem it helped a little. But now I want it to sit up a little higher, HA! I hope to continue working out in the mornings before work once it's all over. They are having another bootcamp in May.

And Yes, we can finally say it, "Tay is potty trained!" It's crazy how she finally gets it! She loves wearing her big girl panties and flushing that pot! Last night we were taking a shower together and she slipped and fell, hard! I'm really surprised she didn't break her wrist b/c she tried to catch herself when she fell. I tried to catch her but she was slippery and so was my hand. I felt so bad for her. She bit her lip and just cried and cried and cried!

Leven says Taydem is on some kind of time clock. She wakes up and gets in bed with him at 6:10a.m. every morning. He said at first she would look for me, but now she just crawls in bed and cuddles up against him. So when I come home from working out, it's so sweet what I find!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Yesterday we went to Cannon's birthday party. Cannon is the son of some of my really good friends, Alicia and Curt. It was a cowboy party and they had it set up so cute. One thing I love about Taydem's age right now is she really loves going and doing all the time. She had a blast yesterday at his party. Anytime I can take her where they have kids is a plus! She loves playing with other children and loves being outside and yesterday was perfect. So happy birthday Cannon! Also congrats to Alicia! She's preggo again and will be due early Fall.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

We are seriously working it and Tay wears big girl panties now!

Boot Camp is probably the BEST thing I have ever done for myself. Yes, the first week was a little rough, but now I feel 100% better and have more energy throughout the day. I keep up with how many calories I burn every morning and right now it's averaging between 850-900! If you don't work out or don't have a clue if that's good or not.........that's really really good! Usually I burn between 400-500 every time I work out. So burning that many calories 5 times a week is kicking some major butt! So this boot camp is doing some serious business for us. If you work out and you don't have a calorie burning/heart monitor watch, you must run to Academy right now and get yoruself one. It's the best thing EVER!

Volleyball has been going pretty good so far! I have 8 girls on my team and they work hard in practice every week. Our first tournament is January 30-31 in Dallas.

Brittany colored my hair yesterday. I get in these slumps where I need a new look, a change! So it's dark still (of course), but it has a tint of auburn in it. So yes, out in the sun I look like a have some deep red hair! I really really love it though. By the time summer rolls around it will look different again!

The new thing with Taydem right now is: She's POTTY TRAINED! This is a huge milestone with us! I told Leven on Sunday that I'm tired of buying diapers, she must be wearing panties from now on. So far all this week she has done great! She had one accident on Tuesday. Yea Taydem!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Twin Peaks

This past Friday I had to attend a coaching clinic in Plano to be able to coach my club volleyball team. That class was 4 hours long! And might I add---------> Boring as all get out! Thank goodness we have some friends that live in Plano so it all worked out. While I was sitting in that long, cold, already knew half of that stuff class, Lucas took Leven to a sports bar called Twin Peaks! It's kind of like a Hooters, Bone Daddy's, Bikini Bar type place. In other words, the girls walk around half naked! And I will have to add that they were all decent looking. I hate those places when the girls look horrible or need to lose about 30 pounds. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little meat on your bones, but don't parade around in NO clothes showing everybody that MEAT! So Leven had a "Large Time," as he would put it! Lucas knew exactly what place to take Leven to....sports and women! Aliya and I met up with the boys after my class was over with. I really enjoyed the food too. So if you ever see a Twin Peaks, stop in and check it out!

Thanks again Lucas and Aliya for letting us shack up!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Years update

I never really talked about our New Years Eve! We had a little get together at our lake house. We had a really huge brush pile that needed to be burned so our plan was to sit around the fire all night. Turns out, it rained the entire time except like 10 minutes before midnight. So we all ran down there and rang in the new year together around the fire. We had really so much fun. It's hard getting together with all our friends these days b/c we all have a kid or two now. So we just have to make it work. The girls played LRC and the guys played poker and watched football! We even had some of the kids with us. They ran around the house chasing each other we all ATE way to much! Here are a few pictures from that night

Darin is CRAZY!

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's only 4 weeks

Boot camp came so freakin early this morning! I've been up since 4:30 and now it's 7:30. I decided to come into work early since I had nothing else to do. It's every Monday-Friday from 5-6 for the next 4 weeks. It's only 20 days, I know I can do this! Today and Thursdays will be station days. There are almost 70 people doing this so it's madness in the gym. I felt really good afterwards, but I know by Wednesday I'm going to be getting around real slow. There's really a lot of people in this class that I know. That makes it even better! I will let you know how the process goes. I hope to lose around 5 pounds and get my booty, legs and arms tone!