Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Working Mom

Being a working Mom is not easy. This brings up the topic: Trying to get Taydem potty trained! I think right now she's the only one in her daycare class that is still in diapers. It is so hard to work with her b/c I don't see her until 5 every day. On the weekends (when I should be doing this) I ALWAYS, and let me say that again, I ALWAYS have something going on! I feel that I'm the busiest person alive at times. I didn't want to force potty training on her until she at least sort of kind of understood what was going on. So the past few weeks she's been watching me use the potty and always gets the toilet paper ready for me and says, "teetee" or "poopoo!" So I know she's gettin' it! Last week her teacher told me that everytime one of the kids gets on the potty, Taydem wants to do the same. But she just sits there and sits there. I guess she thinks it's cool or something. So my mother bought Taydem some "big girl" panties and told me just to start working with her whenever I can. Saturday morning we had a couple of hours to kill before we had a wedding shower to go to. First attempt....teetee all over herself! Ugh! But she did say "potty" before. I just didn't get her there in time. So last night we get home and I put some more "big girl" panties on her. I told myself to put her on her potty every 30 minutes and constantly ask if she needs to go potty! Finally I put her on there and she looked at me really strange. Then she stood up and looked in the potty and said "teetee mommie"! I was soooooooo proud of her. This is a big deal to us Mom's! Now, if only I can keep her doing this. At least now she knows what teetee means and what it is!

So now this brings up the topic: Why I wish I was a stay-at-home mom
- I would give Taydem more attention then at the daycare
- Have the house clean every single day
-Have supper cooked every single day
- We could work on potty training
-I could work with her on her colors and speaking better
-We could play outside
-We could read lots of books
-Go to parks
-Have play dates with other stay-at-home moms
-Take NAPS!
-Shop (not that I need to)

I could probably go on and on! But this is how my life will be probably forever, a working mom! Unless we win the lottery or something.

Smile~God love you~

1 comment:

Sterling said...

YEAH for Tay!!! She'll catch on really fast!! You'll be surprised at how fast they will learn!!!!