Thursday, June 4, 2009

Taydem- 21 months

The past couple of days it's just been Taydem and I. Leven and Trever are headed back to East Texas this afternoon. They went to Misti's graduation (Leven's niece) down in Austin yesterday. Sorry Taydem and I couldn't make it Misti! So last night I decided to record Taydem running around the house. She is at that age where she wants everyone's attention that is around her. I might as well forget about doing anything that I want to do. I usually have to do all my "stuff" once she heads to bed. She is finally starting to grow some. She's up to 23 pounds now! And her foot is finally out of a 3. She's now a size 4. Her favorite things right now are books, cheese, taking her shoes off and putting them back on, playing with her Daddy, giving hugs and kisses, playing in the water, making noises with her mouth, pacifer (ugh!), singing, dancing, and her babies! She loves to eat! (See pic # 1) She really has good days and bad days with her eating. If she's hungry she will tear it up. If she's not, I don't worry about making her eat b/c I know she will make up for it later on. Her favorite things to eat are cinnamon donuts and honey buns for breakfast, cheese, any type of juice, chicken, french fries, green beans, beefaroni, any type of noodle, and any type of fruit! Her new thing is dipping! She doesn't care what she's eating as long as she can dip it in ketchup. She's a sweet little girl. She's our little blessing from God.

Taydem loves her rocking chair that Grans and Mike bought for her!

1 comment:

Sterling said...

that was so sweet! I can't believe that she only weighs 23lbs Maddox is 21lbs and also wears a size 3 shoe!! lol She is so precious!!