Friday, June 12, 2009

3 years folks

Our anniversary is next Wednesday (the 17th), but we are so busy that tonight is the only night we can celebrate for it. (Trever's all star team starts practice next week and their first tournament is next weekend!) So we are headed to Shreveport (and I told Leven NO BOATS this time!) to eat some yummy seafood and spend the night on the town. Every time we go over to Shreveport we always just go hang out at the boats. This time we are gonna go check out a comedy club and hang out with the locals. I'm excited. Any time away from the kiddos for a day, is a treat for me. Danin is so nice to watch Taydem for us and Trever will be around as well. Three years married...time zipps by doesn't it???

Speaking of time flying by, my 10 year class reunion is tomorrow night. I'm really excited about this. There's quiet a few of us that still live around East Texas and I will see them from time to time. But I'm really excited about seeing the ones I haven't seen since I graduated. Hopefully we will have a good turn out. Thanks for my mom and dad for watching the kids tomorrow night!

House update:

We have our cabinets drawn out and they will start cutting them out ASAP. He said it should take them about 3 weeks. We picked out our appliances yesterday so the cabinet guy would know the exact measurements. We had planned on putting a small fridge and ice maker in the gameroom, but we only got the small fridge. The icemaker was as much as a big fridge. I couldn't believe how expensive that little thing was. That wasn't that important too us thank goodness. Any money we can save is what we want. They put the insulation in yesterday and will start the sheet rock today! week at this time, we should have the walls taped and textured and maybe see some brick on the outside! Have a nice weekend everyone!

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