Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Our house is so close to having the frame finished. Take a look!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

36 years!

Happy Anniversary to my MOM and DAD!!

Loooonnnggg Weekend w/ some good NEWS!

I felt like I just took a vacation from work. Friday we took Taydem up to Dallas to Scottish Rite Hospital for her yearly visit on her hip. We got into X-Ray really fast but then waited for almost 2 hours before we saw the doctor. We were all about to go crazy in that place. We finally got to see him and he said that she looks so good that we won't have to come back---EVER! I just knew he would say bring her back in 5 or 10 years! That 2 hour wait was worth hearing that news! After the hospital visit we went to the Dallas Zoo to check out all those animals! I haven't been to that zoo since I was a kid and believe me, it hasn't changed much. Those animals were terrible looking! Most of them looked 100 years old and sickly looking. But we did enjoy our time together. Saturday morning we had some friends come down for the Memorial weekend. We had a blast! The weather was nasty and cloudy all weekend, but that didn't damper our fun. I'm so glad Billy, Lucas and Aliya made it down for a visit.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Doctor visit in the morning

We have to take Taydem to Dallas tomorrow morning for her yearly visit at Scottish Rite Hospital. She was born with her right hip out of socket and wore a body harness for 16 weeks as a newborn to put it back in place. We haven't been there since last May. So hopefully we will have some good news tomorrow and won't have to go back for a long time!

After the appointment we are going to take her to the zoo up there. She is really starting to love animals the more she sees them. She loves looking for cows while riding down the road and now is a dog lover, thanks to Gus and Lyla (my cousins boxers). Also, Leven has NEVER been to a zoo, so he says. So he will have a good time as well. I'm sure I will have tons of new pics up on Monday.

We have some friends coming in this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day. I just pray we have some sun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Season Finales

Ok. Since I'm such a huge TV watcher let's just talk about all these shows and their endings!

Grey's Anatomy- OMG, what a season ending! There's a few options on the ending. One, George is already in heaven and is waiting on Izzie to join him. Or, Izzie realizes where George is and is thinking maybe she wants to go back down. Or maybe even George is going to step into the elevator with Izzie and they come back alive together. It was by far the best ending ever and they really needed it since their ratings haven't been up to par!

The Biggest Loser- My sister and I love this show, but Leven hates it and calls it "The Fat Show!" Whatever, we love it. I really wanted Tara to win on this one. But as usual, in the end they all did really well.

Dancing with the Stars- I really liked Lil Kim, but once she got kicked off I had to choose another one. Out of the three, I think Shawn did the best. Melissa's "hip-hop" dance was pretty bad. It really showed that she is a white girl! Tony should've had her doing something that showed off her talent as a dancer. I don't even know who Gilles is!

America's Next Top Model- The girl that one has got the hottest body ever! She deserved it. The other girl, Allison, looks too scary to me with those bug eyes!

American Idol- Ok, this is the best show. I have been watching since Kelly Clarkson won. I picked that her and Carrie Underwood would win just by their audition. So now it's left up to Adam "Glambert" and Kris Allen. I think that Adam really does have a unique voice (in a strange way) and can sing like no other. But that's the thing, he's too different for my taste. I don't think I would ever listen to his music driving down the road. On the other hand, Kris' is DA BOMB! I could see myself sitting in a bar (although I don't go to many bars anymore since I am a mom now, but still you get my point!) listening to him play his guitar and piano. I love his sound, his looks, and his personality. I really hope KRIS wins this one. Either way, they are both going to do well within this industry.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Yum yum Crawfish---I'm hooked!

So this past weekend Mom, Danin, Tay and I headed to Houston to visit the family! Chelsea and Carl had their Crawfish Bash on Saturday night and we all had a good time, especially Taydem. We ate good and also did some shopping while we were down there. I'm a crawfish LOVER now! Yum yum give me some!Yesterday once we got back from Houston we drove over to the house to see the progress. It's so exciting b/c now we can see each room.

Back of the house

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Update pics on house

Ready for concrete now

Back door entrance


The house is coming along. They are pouring the concrete for the slab today. Yeah! I will post pics soon. I picked out the windows and interior/exterior doors yesterday. That is seriously just too much for me. I'm such a simple person and I don't care what my windows look like. Just make them look nice. That's something I don't think about when I drive up to a house. I never say, "Wow, look at those windows!" I have a feeling it hasn't even gotten to the worse part yet. I can't even imagine picking out the paint colors, cabinets, appliances, floors, light fixtures, faucets, etc. It's making me crazy just thinking about it. I'm going to Houston this weekend to visit my Aunt and Uncle(s) and cousins. Hopefully my Aunt will give me some really GOOD advice on this sort of stuff. I'm also going to get some ideas from Chelsea's casa. Then that Saturday Chelsea and Carl are having their 3rd Annual Crawfish Boil. Fun fun times!

Trever got his braces off! I swear he looks different every time I see him. He's getting so old and cute too fast! I will post a pic soon of his pearly whites.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Weekend

On Saturday, Danin and I took Trever to Tyler to meet his grandmother and we decided to stay and shop for a little bit. OMG! Taydem is the worse ever to take shopping. I need to buy a smaller stroller so bad for this reason. She wants to touch everything, crawl under racks, and she wants you to play chase with her. Danin and I did our shopping and headed home, FAST!

That night my Aunt and Uncle had everyone over for steaks. They were the best steaks EVER, along with a really tasty cocunut pie! The kids swam while all the adults sat around watching golf and visiting. We had a really good time.

Yesterday after church Dad cooked hamburgers and Mom opened up all her Mother's Day presents. She also got the slip-n-slide out for the kiddos. That water was freezing, but they loved it! Poor Taydem didn't have a bathing suit so Mom put her in a little boy's swimsuit! Leven wrote me a poem for Mother's Day (he made it look like Taydem wrote it! It was super sweet and very unexpected) and gave me shopping money! I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

Friday, May 8, 2009


I just want to send a huge shout out to all the mother's out there! (Especially my mom! I love you very much) Being a mother myself has taught me so much more about life and caring for someone else. I have wonderful role models that I watch and learn from every day. My mother, my grand-mother, my MIL (mother-in-law), my sisters-in-law, my aunts, cousins, and friends! You just take one day at a time and always show your children that they are loved. You can't help but kiss 'em!

"Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day
With little time to stop and pray
For life's been anything but calm
Since You called on me to be a mom
Running errands, matching socks
Building dreams with building blocks
Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes
And other stuff that children lose
Fitting lids on bottled bugs
Wiping tears and giving hugs
A stack of last weeks mail to read
So where's the quiet time I need?
Yet when I steal a minute, Lord
Just at the sink or ironing board
To ask the blessings of Your grace
I see then, in my small one's face
That you have blessed me All the while
And I stop to kiss That precious smile"
And no I didn't write that poem! haha

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sippy Cups and Pacifers

Taydem wasn't that big on her pacifers as a baby, but now that's all she wants. I told myself that I was going to get rid of that thing by the time she was 18 months. Did it happen? Well no. I got it to where she only uses it in the car and when she sleeps. She's down to only 1 pacifer left in the house so once it's gone, no more. Let's see if I can stick to that one. Taydem and I do a lot of driving in the car by ourselves and it's so easy just to give it to her so she will quit whining. It's my fault I know, but it's so much easier said than done. She also LOVES her sippy cup. Sometimes she won't go to sleep unless she's holding it in her hands. She walks around with it everywhere she goes. And half the time, it's empty! Does anyone have any ideas on getting rid of the pacifer??

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rain rain go away

I'm so sick of all this rain. Yesterday morning we woke up to more thunder and lighting. We are never going to get this house built with the ground all soggy! Mom and I went to the Parade of Homes on Saturday to get some ideas for our house. I found the brick I want, carpet, and the style of kitchen, I guess you would say.

Tucker had his 1st birthday party on Saturday. They found out a few months ago that he is allergic to EGGS!! So Chrissy had to find a recipe for a cake without eggs. She made some cupcakes. That's something we are always going to have to watch out for. EGGS are in everything!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wonderful NEWS!

Dustin and Molly just found out they are having a GIRL! I'm super excited for them. I'm almost in tears. Taydem will have a girl cousin now to play with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!