Thursday, April 30, 2009

Copy Cat

Last night I was eating chips and salsa and Taydem was sitting patiently waiting for me to give her a chip. Normally I don't give her chips b/c I'm afraid she will get choked on them. But last night I was eating Lays and they are some what softer. So as she was watching and waiting I finally gave her a small chip. She looked at me and then dipped her chip in the salsa. Danin and I started cracking up! Then she carefully licked the salsa to make sure she liked it. She dipped about 3 more times and then finally put the chip back in the bag! With Taydem, everything has a place. She is so organized even at 20 months. It's kind of scary. If she gets something out, she will always put it back. She loves cleaning her face after eating, loves putting lotion on her hands, and LOVES shoes! She wants them on all the time. When the shoes are on, it means "Bye-Bye" time. And she loves to go bye-bye!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And ideas?

My little nephew Tucker is turning one tomorrow! Chrissy is having his birthday on Saturday and she's doing a time capsule thingy. We are all going to put something in his time capsule and he will open it on his 16th birthday. Love the idea, but I have no clue what to put in there. Any ideas????

Molly should find out this week what she's having!! Yea... I cannot wait...Pray for a GIRL!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Recap

Saturday morning I got up and headed to Carthage to help my brother and his wife with a catering job. Jucy's Hamburgers is doing catering now so spread the word. I wanted to help out whenver they have a job to make some extra cash. It was so hot that day. But we got it done and did a good job.

That night was Krystal's wedding and I was so excited about attending this one. Danin was a bridesmaid and Chrissy and Dustin were both singing at it. Chrissy sang at the wedding and Dustin sang their first dance song. Trever watched Taydem during the actual wedding part (he took her outside and played with her) but at the reception she was horrible. I really didn't think it would be that big of a problem bringing her. But for some odd reason she only wanted me. She was so clingy. This is so bad, but we left before the bride and groom were introduced at the reception. So I didn't get to hear Dustin sing. But I knew she was going to be that way the whole night so we just called it a night. Which really sucked! I love going to weddings so I can mingle and visit with everyone I don't normally get to see on an every day occasion. So these next weddings coming up, Taydem will be stuck at home with a babysitter!


So over the weekend we learned about this crazy flu that's going around. This morning they were saying that you need to have 2 weeks worth of food in your house and a mask. They said you should be sure to have enough food just in case you have to stay in your house for 10 days. Yikes! They say it is hitting 20-40 year old group. I guess we need to be on the look out!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I can't believe I have kept up with all this blogging. I enjoy reading other people's blog and keeping up with their lives each day. I added the "News Feed" on my blog (shows where folks are from that read my blog). It's on the bottom left side of the page. It's crazy what cities pop up! I know my Houston readers! I know my Florida reader and Louisana reader as well. I also have a friend in New York that keeps up with us (hi Amanda). I have friends in the Dallas area and of course East Texas...but there's someone in New Mexico that continues to read my page and I'm not sure who that is.....??? Any hints...

So yesterday my hard working wonderful two brothers and dad got started on our lot! I'm so lucky to have them in my life...they are all so talented, especially on big heavy equipment (bulldozer, tractors, back-hoes, etc)! So thanks to them we are ready to build our home! Love y'all!

All my reality shows are getting close to the end (tear)! American Idol is down to 5 and I have no idea what America will do with these 5...they are all so good! I'm rooting for Kris though! The Biggest Loser is down to 5!. I love that show....If you have never seen it, just watch the finale in a few weeks. It's worth it just to see all the contestants and their "big" transformations...crazy crazy! America's Next Top Model is down to 5 too! That's Danin and my show...Leven hates this show and The Biggest Loser. Dancing with the Stars is getting closer and closer to the end. I'm not sure who I want to win this one. I love Melissa, Chuck, and Shawn! Lil' Kim is good too! As you can tell I LOVE reality's kind of scary. I left out two other shows....The Amazing Race (Natalie and I are going to be on this show one season) AND The Duel II!! ok...enough of that!

Here's a pic of Taydem at her best!! TALKING.....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Batter UP!

Trever had a game last night and so did Leven with Pine Tree. So Taydem and I took Trever to his game and I wanted to take some action shots. He went 2-3 at the plate, but his team lost 5-4 at the very last minute. Tough lost! His team is now 3-1.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bluebonnet fever

Leven, Taydem and I headed to Mexia Saturday morning for a quick visit. I'm not sure when I will be headed back so we decided to go on a last minute thing. The month of May is already booked every weekend with something. Once we got to Mexia we made our rounds to make sure we saw everyone. We ate lunch with Leven's mom and hubby first (thanks for lunch again Mike!), then headed to see Amanda and Wes and Sadie and Sam, BuckWheat and Patsy, and then off to his Dad's house. We called up Sonny and Billy and we headed to Waco for some Big O's at George's. Leven's dad and step-mom kept Taydem for us! Then Sunday morning we woke up to some good breakfast and also got feed a great lunch before heading home. On our way out of town we stopped my Kim and Patrick's to see their little Mallory. We miss all our family and friends, but the one thing Mexia has that Longview doesn't have, the bluebonnets. I'm so glad we got to make this trip just to see all these flowers. It is soooooooooo pretty. They really did well this spring too. So of course I took Taydem's pictures...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Today at 3, we will be closing on our soon to be built home! It's finally here and I can't be more happier. We got the house plans finished in January and it's taken the dang banks to long to get their act together!! Dad said he should have the pad finished this weekend. I will post pictures I'm sure of the progess. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers. I just hope we can afford it once it's built!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life after work

This is just a sneak peek of what our house is like once we get home. Trever and Leven play golf on The Playstation 2 and Danin and I watch our shows AND watch Taydem entertain herself until she knocks herself out for night night!

We needed to buy 4 new tires for my car and so Leven thought he would just buy some rims as well...! He's been wanting rims since the first day we bought it. Let me know if you think they are too ghetto!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back to work

We all had Good Friday off last week so that was a joy. Mom, Danin, Tay and I did a little shopping and then we headed to Tatum to visit Chrissy and the boys. Darin, Leven, Trever, and Truitt had gone fishing in Carthage. That night we ate steaks at their house and visited with friends. Saturday was sooooo pretty! We went to a wedding shower in Tatum for Kacey Smith and then the rest of the afternoon RELAXED! Yesterday was a whole different story. We woke up to head to church while it was pouring down rain. It was horrible. Not really the kind of weather you want for Easter. After church we went to Mom and Dad's and ate and laid around while watching The Masters. Truitt and Taydem hunted eggs in the HOUSE! The didn't care...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Long time coming....

Well we have finally set up a time for the closing on our house...NEXT WEDNESDAY! We have been waiting for this for some time now...what a relief!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Baby baby

My brother Dustin and his wife are expecting baby #3!! Molly is already 13 weeks along. Molly had a miscarriage back in the Fall and I think they really wanted to make sure everything was fine before announcing it to everyone....I am soo happy for their family...pray for baby #3 to be a little girl! Taydem needs a girl cousin!

We went to Ashby's 3rd bday party Saturday morning at Pump it Up. It was a Mickey Mouse cute. Truitt sang the National Anthem and did so good. There were about 350 people there. I didn't get to go watch him, but they all said he did awesome. Darin and Chrissy are going to try and get him to sing at a Ranger's game this summer....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Flew by

On Wednesday and Thursday I was in Tyler all day at a Railroad Commission seminar. This morning I had to do CPR training. I feel like I've been gone all just flew by! Now I'm back and I'm trying to catch up on all my emails, facebook,, etc! I seriously have been lost the past three days with NO internet! I know, that's so sad...

Tomorrow Ashby Duke is having his 3rd birthday party at Pump It Up! Then at 12 we are going to Kilgore to watch, or I guess listen, to Truitt sing the National Athem to kick off Little League season. Is that crazy or what? The kid just turned 4 last month and he knows the whole song! I know some adults that don't even know the thing...It's soooooooooooooo funny. I need to video tape it...

Aidan had a T-Ball game last night...they did really good. Aidan was playing as pitcher and he scooped up the ball and threw it to first base and got three players out in a row! That doesn't happen very often at this age. The little first baseman was pretty good as well...