Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Spin what?

Since joining this new gym here in Longview, I've decided to attend some of the classes they have offerd. So last night I thought I would check out the spin class. OH MY GOODNESS! After being in there for 5 minutes I thought I was going to die. There was no way I was going to make it 45 minutes. So I told myself, leave after 20 minutes. The next thing I knew it was over! I loved it. My goal is to have a firm butt and tone legs by next summer. This class ought to do it! They say you burn 500+ calories doing the spin class. I recommend it to anyone...

1 comment:

Peyton Sparks said...

TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! We do the spin class here at the lifestyle's gym and it kicks our butts EVERYTIME!!! Some of the stuff they have us do on those bikes is insane, after an hour i'm ready to pass out!!