Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Monday! Hope your weekend was wonderful! If not, I hope this picture brightens your day

Taydem's teacher sent this to me from their Valentines's party. She cracks me up!

My last volleyball tournament went ok. They did horrible on Saturday but made up from it on Sunday. Loved those girls!

Friday night I headed to a good friend of mine's engagement party. My sister will be a bridesmaid in their wedding this coming June! I've known Brandi for a really long time. I'm happy she's happy!! We had a good time!

Oh.... And I colored my hair!! Have a great week!
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Thursday, March 21, 2013

I have a white bump on my cheek. And no, it's not a pimple. I tried to pop this sucker last night. It never budged. So this morning I woke up with a perfect red circle around the white bump. What the heck?? I guess I bruised it or something. Not cool!

Trever and his team won their first district game against Texas High.

Trever was also picked to represent Pine Tree High School at an upcoming Region 7 banquet! Out of all those seniors, he was chosen. Wow! Huge honor!

This weekend is my last volleyball tournament. I really enjoyed this group of girls. So sad that its ending.

I joined a new gym. So far I've gone every day this week!

Until next time ......

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Trever, Tay AND Leven are all off this week for Spring Break. Last night Lev had a poker game at our house and I lasted 6 hours playing with those guys. Very proud of myself but also tired this morning. They are all coaches and I'm the only one that had to go to work this morning. They ended up playing until 3:30 am!!

Today Leven played golf with some friends so Trever took his girlfriend and Tay to the movies. Sweet, right? They took Tay to see Oz the Great and Powerful. I'm a little jealous bc I've been wanting to see this movie. I can't wait to hear what Tay thought of it.

The weather is beautiful outside today. I hate being stuck in an office all day. Tomorrow my company is cooking for one of our customers so I will be outside tomorrow helping with that!

I have been wanting a certain ring for a long time (pic below). I have always loved this style. So I'm thinking about trading some old diamond stud earrings in for this ring. I first need to see how much the earrings appraise for, then I will go from there.

The ring above is way more than I want to pay but I want something similar to this.

I've been eyeing these shoes for a few weeks and bought them yesterday. I love the crazy colors. If I had all the money in the world, my closet would be full of Nike's.


Buying new shoes puts me in the exercise mood! So I'm starting in Monday. Summer and dreadful swimsuits are just around the corner. I think I may join a gym. I'm actually tired of the bootcamps. We have a new gym in Longview called Gymbox. Ever heard of it?

When Danin and I were in the plane headed to New York City, we got bored and started playing with the photo booth app on her IPad. Check us out! I laugh everytime!

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Monday, March 11, 2013


I don't know where to begin with our New York City trip.  It was perfect in every way possible.  Thank goodness the weather held up so we could make our flight.  The flight there wasn't bad at all.  We knew the wind had been blowing pretty bad and we just knew the flight coming into the city would be rough.  We were surprised at how smooth it actually was.  Once we landed we headed down to baggage claim to get our luggage and meet our driver.  My mom had been worried since making these reservations, but once we met him we knew we were in good hands.  We weren't expecting a limo though! Holla......
Then we were off to Amanda's apartment. My friend Amanda is by far one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  She took care of us the entire time we were there.  I love her death.  Once we arrived at her apartment she welcomed us with a huge bear hug and led us to her home.  The elevators in her apartment were being worked on so we had to climb the stairs to the fifth floor. Talk about a workout! We loved her apartment.  It is tiny. Very tiny. But it's home to her. After the tour of her apartment we sat down and visited with Amanda until it was time to head down to Times Square.  Amanda had a show that night so Danin and I got to venture around until she was finished.  We ate at a wonderful restaurant Amanda recommended, Becco.  Awesome Italian food and wine!
Here are a few pictures from Times Square and 5th avenue that night.

Friday Danin and I spent pretty much the entire day in the snow! Awesome.  We visited a museum that had pictures and artifacts from September 11th.  Really moving! We then headed to Union Square for a little shopping and PIZZA! And we ended this day with the broadway show Annie the Musical.  Amanda was awesome! And we got to watch her play one of the lead roles, Grace.

Saturday was beautiful! Warm and sunny and we wanted to spend the whole day out and about and do as much as possible since it was so pretty outside.  First stop....Statue of Liberty tour.

Next we spent a couple of hours shopping in Soho! Wow....nuff said! Then we spend the late afternoon in Central Park.  We rode on a pedicab and our driver told us all kinds of facts about the park.  It was beautiful. Lots of runners! After our central park tour we walked to 5th Ave.  I wish I could shop on this avenue.  Lots of people on this avenue that evening.  By this time we are slap worn out.  Next we headed back to Times Square and spent the remainder of the night people watching and eating at Olive Garden.  Olive Garden was right across from Amanda's theatre and had huge windows to look out over Times Square.
I seriously can't wait to go back.  Amanda was the perfect host and I miss her already! Thanks for such a great time.  I also loved spending time with my sister.  We made tons of memories.  Thanks to my wonderful husband for making this trip happen and taking care of the kiddos while I was away.  And a huge thank you to my mom for arranging our car service and watching Taydem as well for me one night!



Monday, March 4, 2013


This past weekend my volleyball girls played awesome!! We won the silver bracket! I was so proud of them. Saturday night we had a lot of down time so we thought it would be a good idea to all get together and have dinner. Fun fun! I love this group of girls.

Trevers girlfriend won her pageant this past weekend. She is the new Miss Texas High School America. I'm sure she will go on to compete for the ultimate prize as Miss High School America.

Isn't she beautiful??

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Friday, March 1, 2013

I am heading back to Ft Worth tonight for another volleyball tournament this weekend. Trever played really well in yesterday's baseball games and he has another game tonight. I hope Leven keeps Taydem bundled up nice and warm since its going to be freezing tonight.

The Mexia Lady Blackcat basketball team will be playing in the state game tomorrow! I'm so excited for this team and especially the coach. Good job Coach Barger!

Our Tatum boys are playing their first round of regionals this afternoon. If they win, they will play White Oak once again to see who goes on to state.

Leven just sent me this picture. He said the hawk was guarding Trever's truck.

Here's a picture of Taydem and her little friends at one of the baseball games.

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!

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