Monday, August 6, 2012

So nice.....

This weekend was such a nice and relaxing one. Saturday we SLEPT in then headed over to my parents to let Taydem do a little swimming. She is so close to swimming on her own.  My sister, her hubby Eric and Baby B also came over for a visit. There were quite a few red wasps that joined us for a swim.  And Eric thought it would be "cool" to slap his hand down on one of them and kill it.  Well I think the wasp got to Eric first.
Sunday afternoon I was craving a I cooked one! And it was delish. Thank you Lord for the rain we got last night. The last item on Taydem's school supply list was PAINT! While I was at the grocery store buying the roast, I decided to pick up the paint as well. Taydem begged and begged for me to buy her some paint for the house.  I finally gave in.  She painted me three pictures.  That took about 45 minutes and then she wanted to play bubbles. She is so busy.

 Today was the official start to volleyball season.  Leven was up and out the door before I woke up.  This is the time of year where Leven stays STRESSED OUT and loses about 25 pounds! It's crazy I know, but it happens EVERY year.

Happy Monday folks! Have a wonderful week.

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