Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Birthday....Tay

5 years old! So hard to believe this. We are all so blessed to have this little girl in our lives.  She is the sweetest, funniest little human on this earth. I know that she will grow up to do something amazing with her life.  She's so full of life and ENERGY! She runs circles around her daddy and I. Everyone that crosses her path, remembers her and her smile.  I love watching her at her daddy's volleyball games. Everyone wants a hug from Taydem or just wants a wave from her.  Even as a baby she had a personality to die for.  I thank the Lord every night for putting her in my life and bringing me JOY! Happy 5th birthday baby girl!

Today Leven and I are picking her up from school at 12 and taking her to Toys R Us to let her pick out any toy she wants. Then she gets to spend the rest of the day with her daddy while I head back to work.  I am taking off Friday from work to take her to the water park for the day.  I am loving this "cooler" weather but I hope it warms up just a little bit by Friday.  If it rains, we will figure something else out for that day.

Tomorrow is "Meet the Teacher Day!" I am really excited that Taydem got the teacher I requested. They start August 28th!

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