Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's in the water

Another baby girl has come into my world! Brittyn Elizabeth was born last night and weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. She was also two weeks early. Can we all say, BIG BABY! She is so beautiful and I can't wait to get my hands on her. I know my sister and brother in law are over the moon.
And she has so much dark hair!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend FUN!

My 8th grade volleyball team played this past weekend at the Dallas Convention Center. Bigger tournament, more teams! We ended up in the Silver Bracket after pool play on Saturday. On Sunday we beat the first two teams we played and landed in the championship game! I was so proud of these girls. We ended up losing that game, but we made huge improvement from last weekend.

Taydem does so well at these tournaments. By now she is just so use to them. But during our last game she had enough and fell asleep on the bench with my team! It was so funny and I'm hoping one of the moms took a picture of her. After we played our game we had to ref the game right after. So Leven took Taydem and got her out of the gym for a while. These are the pictures he took of her!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet Baby Girl

Tucker with baby sis
I am already a week behing on this big news! But with losing my Papaw, this sweet baby girl got set aside! Introducing my new baby niece TYLER GRACE! She was born January 18th and weighed in at 6 lb 10 oz! She is so tiny and she looks just like her big brothers. And of course her Momma!

These are a few pictures I took of Taydem before gymnastics last night. Of course she is still loving every minute of it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

And volleyball continues.....

Check out this newspaper article!! Super proud of all 4 of these girls. They are playing volleyball in college and have all received scholarships! This is what makes Leven proud to be a coach.


My volleyball team played this past weekend in our first tournament. Let me say, these girls were scared to death! It's really a whole new experience getting to do this. And these girls were so nervous. They played really well on Saturday, but just couldn't shake the jitters. We ended up in the Bronze bracket on Sunday, BUT won the bracket! This weekend we play again and I hope they have a little more convidence going in. Thank you to our friend Courtney and Bo for letting us stay at their house! Super sweet couple and we look forward to spending more time with them.

Courtney and I

My 8th grade team!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Robert L. Anthony

We lost my Papaw on January 20, 2012. His funeral was held yesterday and as I'm sitting here typing away, I have tears in my eyes. In my 31 years, I've only lost a hand full of loved ones.  I grew up down the street having my grandparents right there beside us. I never had the chance to meet my mother's dad (he died of a heart attack when my mom was only 9). Her mother passed away when I was 17 and I think about her ALL the time. She was my Nannie. My Papaw lived to be 89 and what a life he lived. The funeral was beautiful in every way. He will be greatly missed and I promise we will continue to laugh and talk about him through out our lives. I pray that my Meme will be ok these next few days/weeks/months and years. She is one healthy lady and I love her dearly. She is surrounded by so much love.


I wrote a poem for the funeral with the help of some of my cousins and my sis in law!

"Robert L, turn that TV DOWN!"
Something we heard quite often with a sigh and a frown.
They were married for over 65 years
Lots of love, laughter, a few choice words and tears Their love began in the smokey mountains of Tennessee And eventually brought them to East Texas, home of the Pine Tree.
The lord blessed them with 4 kids of their own And now their house became a home. 
As the family grew and days turned into night there's ONE thing we all know, Papaw was alwaysright!
Our Papaw was an open book and our Meme was his favorite cook!
Breakfast, cakes and pies. She would cook anything for her favorite guy.
Sausage, biscuits, butter and grease. Meat, potatoes and more butter please!
Watermelon watermelon watermelon rind man did we eat watermelon all the time!
He loved his family he loved his food, but those dogs were what put him in his best mood.
Cadalliac, red bird, cruiser and blaze  these dogs ran the nights and also controlled his days.
He let them bark, he let them run. But Catching that fox was the most fun.
Our papaw was the root of our tree and we thank him for a beautiful legacy.
He felt at peace and told his wife
that he was proud of his family and he knew he lived a Wonderful life.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sweet and more SWEETS!

I've always heard my sister talk about all the FOOD that is brought into her place of business! She as well works in the oil and gas industry. Well so far, I've been at my new job for 2 weeks and this is what I get to see come into my office...! I ate only ONE cookie. I was telling myself it was better than eating a huge piece of cake! I must put my blinders on when this stuff comes through the door or my bootie is only gonna get bigger! Thank goodness I have bootcamp tonight!

I must brag a little on my nephew Aidan. His mom sent me this the other day.
I made it extra large so hopefully you can read it. Aidan is 8! Super proud Aunt

Friday, January 13, 2012


Updates over the week:

Leven is now doing track practices after school! And these last two days it's been COOOOLD outside. The wind has been so chilly.

Trever is still playing basketball. This week he had finals. I know he is so looking forward to baseball season. I can't believe it's almost baseball time. Summer will be here before we know it.

Taydem is Taydem. Learning more and more every day. It's hard to believe she will start BIG school this August! She is such a girlie girl. She whines every morning wanting to wear a dress. She hates jeans. And I LOVE jeans! So I bought her a few outfits this week. They are super cute and she loves them! Very girlie.

My work week went something like this:
Monday- Drove to Lousiana, north of Shreveport
Tuesday- Drove to Teague (yes, 10 miles from Mexia) to get a sampling and then to Fairfield to a Saltwater Disposal Facility. They made me drive that day. I should've drove like a mad woman so they wouldn't let me drive anymore. Instead, they love my driving. Oh boy!
Wednesday-Stayed around the office
Thursday- Drove to Lufkin to meet with a company we do business with and took them to lunch.

I am loving the job so far. Lots of time in the car though. I feel like we are on a road trip every time we get going!!

Danin and Chrissy are getting closer and closer to poppin those baby girls out. Chrissy will deliver on January 24th (unless Tyler decides to come earlier) and Danin, well who knows. She went into the hospital on Wednesday bc her blood pressure was too high. She ended up staying over night so they could monitor her and Baby Britt. Tyler is already weighing around 6 lb 10 oz and Brittyn is already 6 lb 11 oz. Big babies! Taydem is so exctied for their arrival!


Find this nasty thing out at the facility

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

so far so good

I started my new job yesterday. So far so good. Yesterday and today the majority of my time has been spent buying a computer/monitors, office supplies, etc for my new office. I started decorating yesterday afternoon and they tell me they've decided to add on to our office. The new add on will have 4 new offices and one of those will be mine. So I stopped decorating bc I know I won't be here long. My dad and Darin are bidding on the contract part. When working with drafting/mapping it's good to have HUGE monitors. Check mine out. One is 26 inches (it's a TV actually) and the other is 23 inches! Pretty cool.

I have been reading a new book. Tim Tebow's, Through My Eyes! Can't put it down. I'm not a huge reader (unless it's a magazine), but I love this guy! Such a powerful role model for not only boys, but girls as well. Raised up RIGHT, that boy was!

We had a really good New Years weekend! My cousin Chelsea, her precious mini me, Carolina and my Aunt Connie came to visit us. We stayed up LATE Friday night catching up. I hate that she's forever away. Saturday we went out to Mom's to visit with my Aunt and Mom and my sister was there as well. That night (New Year's Eve) we headed to my new bosses house. The most beautiful house I have ever been too! He had a little get together and it was nice to hang out.

New Year's Day was spent with the family at my parents house. We are around each other so much we tend to forget how blessed we are to be so close.