Friday, August 5, 2011

It's a habit

If you know me, then you already know this-----> I bite my nails. All.the.time

I don't even realize I do it so much. The only time my nails were some what long was on my wedding day and when I was pregnant with Taydem. I can't stand fake nails. They slow me down and I end up biting (popping) them off as well. So, wasted money if you ask me!

Starting Sunday night I decided to let my nails GROW OUT, or at least see how long I can last. I will keep you updated. I know you all are so excited!

I love my iphone!

I am constantly looking for new apps to download and I pretty much love anything to do with taking pictures. So I downloaded INSTAGRAM today. I'm sure I'm a little behind on this neat little app, but so what. I have it now. The picture above was taking with instagram and you can share your pictures with others. It's kind of like twitter but with photos. People can "follow" you and you can "follow" others. Let the journey begin. I'm sure after about a month I will get bored with it, but for now...I'm all about it. So find me on facebook and follow my life through pictures!!

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