Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy as a BEE............

Leven leaves tomorrow for Dallas with his team. They are playing Forney tomorrow around 2, then they are playing in the Garland tournament Friday and Saturday. He is taking Trever with him. Good luck LP!

Last night I had 2 volleyball lessons then left from the gym to the church to practice a song with my good friend Carla. Molly's (sister-in-law) grandmother (Gim) is with hospice right now and they know it won't be much longer. So the family asked me if I would sing at her funeral. At first I really wasn't sure if I wanted to do it bc 1. I have never sang at a funeral before and 2. I am close to this family. Molly's sister Meagan and I were the best of friends growing up and I spent many nights at Gim's house. They want me to sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Carla plays the piano and I asked her if she would play for me so we practiced last night until almost 10:30. Poor Carla then had to drive an hour back home. We still aren't sure when the funeral will be so we wanted to get at least one practice in. So late night last night.

Today I am helping Dustin and Molly with a Jucy's Catering at a local college for their football team after I get off work.  Like I said, busy bee. Oh and please let there be a cold front move in before we get the catering started!  

Saturday night I am having dinner with two of my friends that I NEVER get to see and we live in the same town. I'm excited to catch up with both of them and see what is happening in their lives! You always want to keep your friends close to you and just have to MAKE time for the visits. Why does it have to be so hard??

Lacey, Me and Brittany!!
Here's a picture I took recently of Lev and Tay! 

One last picture of my new haircut! Please excuse the crazy coloring of the picture. I was playing with a new app on my phone!

Happy HUMP DAY folks!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ha! I think you're SOL on that cold front, but have fun anyway! :D