Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Big News for my Seester!

BIG news: My sister is having a GIRL come February (her due date is the 14th ♥) ! Her and Eric are beyond excited and she's already starting to get the baby room together. On Saturday Tay and I are heading up to Canton to check out some "girlie" stuff with my sister! Her name will be Brittyn Elizabeth. So now I will have 2 new nieces within a few weeks apart of each other. Taydem will not know what to think. She will be in baby heaven for sure. Super excited for Danin. I think she's wanted to be a Momma since she was like Taydem's age. Now she will have a baby all her own. Let the fun times begin...Seester!

Maybe since Danin and I look so much alike, just maybe Brittyn will look like Taydem!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Class 4A
(Rankings for State of Texas- According to Texas Girls Coaching Association website)

1. Lake Travis
2. Canyon Randall
3. Friendswood
4. Waxahachie
5. Dumas
6. Vista Ridge
7. Aledo
8. Red Oak
9. J.J. Pearce
10. New Braunfels Canyon
11. Dallas Highland Park
12. Brenham
13. Victoria West
14. Longview Pine Tree
15. Frenship
16. Mission Veterans Memorial
17. Paris North Lamar
18. Copperas Cove
19. Alamo Heights
20. Edcouch-Elsa

Monday, August 29, 2011


I don't really want to Toot the Horn too fast-----but---CLAP YO HANDS and STOMP YO FEET, DEM LADY PIRATES CAN'T BE BEAT! This past weekend Leven and his girls won the Tyler Tournament. There were 32 teams in this tournament. Leven's been going to this tournament since we first got here and he said he never thought he could win it! Their record is now 20-3! Love it!

Jane Anne and Hannah were All-Tournament picks!

Not only did the Varsity do well but so did the Freshmen and JV teams.  Pine Tree hosted a 9th and JV tournament and our Freshmen A team had to play "up" in the JV bracket. Our Freshmen B team played in the Freshmen bracket. (He has so many freshmen he had to make 2 teams for the month of August. He is making cuts this week...) The Freshmen A girls, I call "My girls" because they are the ones I coached club last spring. They did so well and beat two JV teams and made it to the championship game against Pine Tree's JV!! WOW. So the two teams had to battle out who was better. The JV was determined not to let the freshmen beat them. Both teams played well and it was fun watching them! The Freshmen B team ended up getting 3rd in their bracket. So over all...........great day for Lady Pirate Volleyball. Leven was super proud of all his girls.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eat More Beef...

TWO WORDSJucy's Hamburgers. We all love Jucy's here in East Texas. There are 5 locations now. Two in Tyler, two in Longview and one in Marshall! They are now offering so much more than the well known BURGER! Salads, chicken and fried pickles are just to name a few.
The Slice

Cowboy Salad
Here's a picture of my nephew Aidan one Halloween! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E

Jucy's also offers CATERING! I even help out with some of the caterings so call them today if you are interested.
And if you have NEVER even tried Jucy' are missing out!

Happy Happy FRIDAY to you all! Leven is in the Tyler tournament this weekend. He starts pool play today at 1:45. Bracket play is set for tomorrow. Let's go LP!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

No mam!

So I'm in love with Miranda Lambert and her new gal group PISTOL ANNIES! Their album is so my kind of music. Plus I love good harmony and they got it. Go get the album (or download it) today!

Ok, if I'm having a bad day I usually go to this website and I usually turn that frown upside down!
 I DID NOT take these pictures OR come up with the comments underneath.
 I hope your day is a little brighter now!
There's an actual website:

Cracks me up!

Alright folks, we need your help! We are trying to figure out what the hell is going on here. Is she exhausted from saving so much money while shopping at Walmart? You tell us!

Dizzam!! Check out the glutes on Bobby from the Ernest movies! Impressive!

I know your parents probably always told you to “dream big” but I don’t think you’re doing that correctly.

Hmmm, I would have figured she would be buying white-trash bags!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Movin on UP...14-3

Last night Pine Tree played MEXIA and Robert E Lee in Tyler. We had our brooms out (not really) but we swept both games. Here's the newspaper article:

Seniors 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Crazy BUSY Weekend...oh and we are 12-3!

Saturday we literally spent 12 hours in a gym. Trever, Tay and I got up early Saturday morning and drove to Nacogdoches to watch the Lady Pirates play their first game at 9:00. They won that game, then the next game and were to play in the championship game 5 hours later..........ugh! Well if you have ever been to Nacogdoches, there's not much going on except having Stephen F. Austin State University there. So we were pretty much stuck. Taydem and I went to get some ice cream at Marble Slab, hoping she might fall asleep in the car, but that didn't happen. Trever had to be back in Longview at work by 5, so thank goodness we have great friends that got him there on time. After the game (they lost) I jetted back into Longview to pick him up at 9 when he got off. I was pooped. I then got home and had to make cupcakes for Taydem's birthday party that we were having on Sunday. Check out the article on the tournament. Even though the girls lost, they still made Leven proud. They are only getting better with each game.

Taydem turns 4...TODAY!
We had her birthday party yesterday in the heat of the day. We had a wonderful turnout. Tay is a sweet special little girl and it showed yesterday with all our family and friends there celebrating her big day. Thanks to my parents for letting us jump into their pool!

Taydem's cake couldn't have been more perfect. My co-worker, Teresa, made her cake again this year. Super cute. She told me she wanted a Barbie with purple hair. And I found one!

Taydem and I made these for her school!
Here are a few pictures from her birthday. She had a blast and got 11 Barbie's total. OMG! She also got a life size baby (it wears 0-3 months clothing) and she has not put that baby down yet. She is such a good little Momma! She named her baby, Addison.

Goodie bags for her friends

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Catch up Thursday....

Leven's team is 7-2! They beat Carthage this past Tuesday night.

This morning I had the precious honor of singing at Molly's grandmother's funeral. She was a fighter for sure. I posted last week that she was with hospice and it wouldn't be much longer. She went to see our dear Lord on Tuesday. After the family was seated I began to sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Very.Nervous. Molly and her sister, Meagan, both spoke at her funeral. I still don't know how they did it. I just loved it.Dustin sang "I Believe" (Elvis version) to end the funeral. Sounded great! Gim was loved by many.   I was honored that I got to be apart of this day.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Leven's team did an awesome job this year at the Garland tournament. Leven was very pleased with how hard they played. I had dinner with Brittany (thanks again Brittany!) Friday after work then Danin and I jumped in the car and headed to Garland. I was dying to watch the girls play on Saturday. My friend Kristen let us stay the night with her since she was only about 5 miles from the school! Perfect. Plus it was nice to catch up with her a little bit. Not enough though. Must.Get.Back.Up.There.Soon! Here's a picture of Taydem and I watching a movie with Kristen's 3D glasses!

Today sure feels like a MONDAY!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy as a BEE............

Leven leaves tomorrow for Dallas with his team. They are playing Forney tomorrow around 2, then they are playing in the Garland tournament Friday and Saturday. He is taking Trever with him. Good luck LP!

Last night I had 2 volleyball lessons then left from the gym to the church to practice a song with my good friend Carla. Molly's (sister-in-law) grandmother (Gim) is with hospice right now and they know it won't be much longer. So the family asked me if I would sing at her funeral. At first I really wasn't sure if I wanted to do it bc 1. I have never sang at a funeral before and 2. I am close to this family. Molly's sister Meagan and I were the best of friends growing up and I spent many nights at Gim's house. They want me to sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Carla plays the piano and I asked her if she would play for me so we practiced last night until almost 10:30. Poor Carla then had to drive an hour back home. We still aren't sure when the funeral will be so we wanted to get at least one practice in. So late night last night.

Today I am helping Dustin and Molly with a Jucy's Catering at a local college for their football team after I get off work.  Like I said, busy bee. Oh and please let there be a cold front move in before we get the catering started!  

Saturday night I am having dinner with two of my friends that I NEVER get to see and we live in the same town. I'm excited to catch up with both of them and see what is happening in their lives! You always want to keep your friends close to you and just have to MAKE time for the visits. Why does it have to be so hard??

Lacey, Me and Brittany!!
Here's a picture I took recently of Lev and Tay! 

One last picture of my new haircut! Please excuse the crazy coloring of the picture. I was playing with a new app on my phone!

Happy HUMP DAY folks!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The Lady Pirates won their first game! And of course Trever and the crew got painted up to support the girls! Awesome night. Awesome win! Way to start off the season. Leven was extremely pleased!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's a habit

If you know me, then you already know this-----> I bite my nails. All.the.time

I don't even realize I do it so much. The only time my nails were some what long was on my wedding day and when I was pregnant with Taydem. I can't stand fake nails. They slow me down and I end up biting (popping) them off as well. So, wasted money if you ask me!

Starting Sunday night I decided to let my nails GROW OUT, or at least see how long I can last. I will keep you updated. I know you all are so excited!

I love my iphone!

I am constantly looking for new apps to download and I pretty much love anything to do with taking pictures. So I downloaded INSTAGRAM today. I'm sure I'm a little behind on this neat little app, but so what. I have it now. The picture above was taking with instagram and you can share your pictures with others. It's kind of like twitter but with photos. People can "follow" you and you can "follow" others. Let the journey begin. I'm sure after about a month I will get bored with it, but for now...I'm all about it. So find me on facebook and follow my life through pictures!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Anniversary Sissy

A little early, yes I know. But I wanted to send a shout out to my sister and her hubby for celebrating ONE YEAR already! Their anniversary is this Sunday and they are headed to Dallas for the weekend to get away and celebrate with one another. Time truly flies by:

Here are some photos from their wedding last year!

Danin and I with our cousins, Chelsea, Channing and Chera

This past summer at the beach!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Here we go....

Volleyball started this morning. Leven was up bright and early and out the door before I could say "bye!!" He loves this time of year. Although, I will hear him grip numerous times about the girls and all their drama, he still loves his job!

He loves:
 - the smell of the gym floors being waxed for a new year
 - getting all NEW uniforms, shoes, warm-ups for the girls AND for himself
 - airing up the new/white/CLEAN volleyballs
 - this year he got a new machine to use during practices (LOVES it!)
 - seeing the girls faces when they do a good job
 - when other coaches talk about how well he has done with his team
 - seeing improvement with each player
 - parent support
 - seeing his name in the newspaper (ha) (see website:
 - laying in bed with me at night talking about his team/problems/game like situations/practices/players/and most of all GETTING MY ADVICE! He doesn't admit it, but he listens to my opinions all the time!
 - and most of all WINNING!

I've very proud of Leven. He is a really really good coach and those girls show him tons of respect and love him. This years team is going to be BEAST (is that the word these kids use these days, and did I even use it right?) I don't want to jinx he and his team...but if you ever get a chance to come watch them play, you gotta do it! I want this year to be "THE YEAR!" 7 returning starters (6'3", 6'0", 5'10",5'10", 5'11" and 6'1"!) This is the height he's been waiting for.....Good luck Lady Pirates!