Monday, June 27, 2011

Romp it UP!

I have had more people comment on Taydem's outfit from the beach, aka...lacey romper! These little rompers are really popular right now. I bought Taydem one as well as my niece Austyn. Same color, so I need a picture ASAP! I bought these rompers off of facebook from a sweet gal that I have bought a few things from already. She's super fast with delivery and very easy to work with. Her name is Shayna Strother Mills and her facebook page is called Texas Monkey Boutique! Check out her page. She has all kinds of feather headbands and more colors for the rompers! I bought the necklace from Old Navy at the last minute before heading to the beach.

Leven's surgery will be July 5th (next Tuesday). He has to be at the doctor's office by 7:45. Please say a prayer for him in hopes that this is just a simple procedure and wipe it all out!

And speaking of Leven: He found his "old" high school baseball jersey and decided to try it on for old times sake. Um...little small! He was having major flashbacks and wished he was this size back then! Wonder how he got this jersey in the first place???? ha

And one more picture! Hopefully this makes you smile! This is my beautiful niece Austyn! I laugh everytime I see this picture:

Have a blessed week!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gulf Shores, Alabama

We had a really really good time at the beach last week. It was so nice to get away for a while and just relax. We left out on Friday after work. We thought breaking up the trip would be the best thing. So we spent the night in Vicksburg, Mississippi. We wanted to tour the battlefield in the morning so we got us a cheap hotel room and called it a night around midnight. We loved the battlegrounds, so beautiful. I haven't been there since I was a child and didn't really remember much of it. It took us about an hour to drive through the whole thing and of course I took tons of pictures. Here are a couple:

We arrived at our beach house on Saturday around 3:00 pm. The others had already made it there so we quickly decided on what we were going to eat on the next week and headed to Wal-Mart! We ate out a few times, but mostly cooked at the house every night and every morning. Taydem and Trever both loved the sand and water. Thank goodness Bradley came along to keep Trever busy. And Taydem and Tucker played so well together. I wasn't looking forward to the office at all yesterday morning. But it was time to get back to reality.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On the Mound

Trever is playing on a summer league baseball team. They have had a few scrimmages and last night was their first game. They each took an inning to pitch.....I took just a few pictures of him. I missed most of the game bc I had volleyball lessons!

My sweet athletic nephew, Aidan, made the All-Star team for the 7-8 year olds.  Only 24 boys made the 2 teams out of 120! And only two 7 year olds are on his team of 12...and he is one of them! The boy has been playing baseball since he was 1! Yea Aidan....super proud Aunt right here!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Update with the Barker's

~We leave for the beach on SATURDAY! Can't wait
~The roomba vacuum is the best gift EVER! I haven't swept since last Thursday
~Leven and Trever started S.W.A.P (Speed, Weights, Agility (can't remember what the "P" stands for)) this morning. It will run until 2-a-days start. All girl and boy athletes can choose which time of the day to come work out for 2 hours. It's like either 7-9, 10-12 or 6-8. Leven has to be there at ALL three times...Poor thing. I feel sorry for him. He is one of the coaches in charge of the training.
~Trever got his first official pay check last week!
~I am still giving volleyball lessons on Tuesday and Thursday and I'm coaching on Monday nights for Summer League. I am coaching the same team I did with club. Just a few new girls....
~I still sell Willow House, but I have the majority of my sales go through my website...check it out...June has AMAZING sales going on right now...
~Taydem has got one personality. She makes us laugh everyday. Where did this little girl get all this spunk from??????? She is long and skinny these days...She may just be tall after all!
~She is very grown up for her age (I think!). Very independent and is my shadow...all day every day!
~We leave for the beach on Saturday...oh yeah...I already said that....I'm sooooooooooooo READY to get away from work, volleyball, my house, a schedule, responsibilities.

On a more serious note. Leven found out a few weeks ago that he has skin cancer. He has a spot on his face (right below his right ear, close to his jaw line) and has had this spot for a really long time now. I begged and begged him to go have it checked out but he insisted it was nothing. So I kept begging and he finally set up an appointment. Sure enough it is a pretty serious type of skin cancer. The day the lady called to tell him, he heard the word cancer and can't remember anything else she said. So we don't know what time, where the surgery will take place or anything. We just know July 5th. He thinks the type of cancer she said was Melanoma!! But like I said, he can't remember what she said. Just keep him in your prayers. He is pretty scared about it (although he tries to act all tough!) I just want them to make sure they get it ALL out before it spreads.

It's calling my name...DEEEVVVVIIINNNN! Can you hear it?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get this Roomba started!!

My husband is getting sweeter and sweeter the older he gets. For the past few months I have been dying to have an irobot Roomba! My cousin Chelsea introduced me to this little awesome vacuum robot back in the fall and I have wanted one every since. I'm not kidding when I say this....I sweep every day! From the dust, to the crumbs, to the baseball field dirt my family keeps me busy with those dang floors. And yes, I can  probably be a little OCD about my floors, but I can't help it. If I can see it on the ground it needs to be picked up. So last night Leven snuck the Roomba in our bedroom and put it under the covers for me to find! I was sooooooo excited. I got it out of the box right away and started reading up about it. I charged it overnight and this morning it took it's first spin around my house. My favorite part of the whole idea of this robot sweeping my floors----it docks itself on the charger when it's done. You can also set a time every day for it to turn on and work its magic. I will do it everyday right before I come home from work! That way I will have a smile on my face when I walk through the house. Yes, it's not cheap...but oh so worth it!