Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 22 !

Taydem Elizabeth will turn 3 years old this Sunday! I love thinking back on the birth of Tay. My parents and Danin drove down the night before so they could be there with me from start to finish! Leven and I headed to the hospital bright and early (I was being induced, so my water wouldn't break right in the middle of teaching!). She was being induced only a day before her due date. They broke my water around 8 a.m. and I started feeling pressure around an hour later. I wanted to be all big and bad and not have the epidural until I really needed it. After I started feeling the pressure, it didn't take long before she was poking me in the back! Thank goodness for drugs! Taydem FINALLY arrived that NIGHT around 6! I pushed for an hour and a half! OMG. I could NOT figure out how to push correctly. After she was finally out I was worn out and cried and cried. Not only do women cry bc this little miracle is now in the world, but heck....you cry bc it's finally over with! Such a happy moment that I will treasure forever. Taydem is the sweetest thing I have ever met. She is so full of energy and is always smiling. Everyone always tells me that she has the sweetest smile! She is my "mimi-me" for sure! I want her to stay this age forever!

There will come a time when she stops:
kissing and hugging me in public
letting me rock her
giving me details about everything she does
telling me when she goes "poopoo" or telling me when she has "punted"
holding my hand when she sleeps
taking baths with me
coloring with me
reading with me
letting me do her hair
playing babies with her

Makes me sad even sitting here thinking about it! Here are a few pics of my growing baby girl!

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