Monday, June 21, 2010


This past weekend was probably the longest weekend I have had in a long time. We loaded up Thursday morning and headed to Mena, Arkansas for a little R&R with the family. We had food, drinks, games, 4-wheelers, music, etc to last us for 4 days. Once we got into Mena we stopped by the local Wal-Mart store to load up on goodies! The only time I have ever been to Arkansas was in the 4th grade with the Maxey's. So it's been awhile, huh? It's actually very pretty where we were and we were getting more and more excited about it as the winding roads went. We finally made it to our cabin around 4 and began unpacking. We loved our cabin-very rustic. But there was NO TV, NO phone service so of course NO internet! We knew we were going to get very close to everywhere there. That night we played games, ate chili dogs and laughed at all the kiddos playing! (My aunt and uncle were there as well with all their kids and grandkids). So far so good...............

Friday morning I woke up to Taydem throwing up. Hmmmm I thought.....I told myself she just ate too much junk food the night before (which she did). She seemed to have felt better afterwards. So we headed down to the river to watch the guys pitch horseshoes and to swim a bit. I took her back to the house for a little nap and she threw up again. Hmmmm I thought.........she really ate a lot of junk last night. The rest of the day Leven, Mom, Molly and I took turns staying with her in the cabin while everyone else was outside doing their thing. She was a sick little girl. She for sure had a stomach bug. So that night I stayed up with her all night long. She eventually spent the rest of the night dry heaving. And I watched the sun come up! Wow....pooped! She has never been sick with a stomach bug and I have never had to deal with it. I was worn smooth out come Saturday morning. This wasn't really what I had in mind for a mini vacation. It actually sucked for us! We decided to leave on Saturday b/c we knew she wasn't getting any better and I wanted to get her in her own bed. Plus I didn't want to get anyone else sick. The drive home really didn't take that long. She seemed to be getting better the closer we got to the house. Then we get home and she sleeps for hours. She went to bed that night with 101 temperture. Ugh! She slept most of the day on Sunday as well and her fever finally broke that afternoon. Now she won't EAT! She's so afraid she's going to throw it up! I swear the girl has lost 10 pounds. I just pray that no one else gets sick from her.

This weekend Leven and I are headed to Dallas to finally celebrate our anniversay a little ALONE! We are going up on Friday for some R&R and then staying with some friends on Saturday.

Pics soon to follow from Mena!

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