Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I love TV

All my favorite shows are back on TV. I am such a reality show junky it's pitiful. American Idol starts back up tonight. I've been watching this show since the very 1st season...I'm pretty excited about it. The Bachelor started up last week and I'm hooked already...Leven is even watching it with me this season, and Trever! Lost starts back up next week...that is our "family" show. We all love that one too. And of course Grey's Anatomy.

Taydem is so funny. Every day she is doing something different and it just cracks me up. The other night she was pretending to rub lotion on her legs. She was acting as if she were squirting the lotion onto her hands and then rubbing it on her legs. It was too cute. She's all into dressing her dolls, but with her own clothes. She had a diaper out the other night, but she couldn't figure out how it worked. She just knew it went down there...she's too smart!

It's been pretty cold here...which I really love, but I'm so ready for Spring and flip flop weather. We went and saw Bride Wars on Sunday..it's a chick flick for sure, but way cute! I've also seen Brad Pitt's movie and 7 Pounds. I want to see Gran Torino next! Until next time...

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