Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New baby

At the very start of my blog I mentioned I had 6 friends who were I'm only down to one. Samantha will have Tanner sometime in March. It's crazy how fast time goes...

Mallory Ann is the newest baby born. Kim gave birth to her on Jan. 23rd in Waco! She was 5 lb. 14 oz and 19 inches long...Congrats to Kim and Patrick.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Billy Bob's

This past weekend we went up to Ft. Worth to the stockyards. My Mom and Dad were going up there anyway to the stock show and so we just tagged along. Danin and Brandi also met us up there along with Leven's good buddy, Sonny. We drove up on Saturday morning and made several stops along the way...haha! We checked into our hotel around 1:20 then headed to the stockyards. Sonny had been before so he showed Leven and I around...let me add something really fast....IT WAS FREEZING! OMG...we picked a horrible Saturday to be was 30 outside with the wind chilll in the lower 20's. After walking around and shopping we headed back downtown to get dressed for dinner. We all were eating at H3 (steak house in the stockyards) and my cousin Beth and her husband David met us there. They just moved to Texas about 6 months ago from Tennessee. They live in Southlake. After dinner it was off to Billy Bob's for the Neal McCoy concert. I had never been to Billy Bob's is HUGE, really too big for me. There's so much going on...I swear there are 100 pool tables, place to eat, bull riding arena, arcade games, probably 20 different bars, concert area, and the dance hall. We had a good time...
Leven ended up getting a horrible migraine right in the middle of the concert, so we had to call it an early night. Overall it was a great weekend to get away...

Thanks to my brother's and their wives who kept Taydem for us! We owe them one!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pink eye

Last week I got pink eye in both my eyes. Who does this happen to....?? The bad part was my glasses were broken. Leven stepped on them about 2 weeks ago and I never got them fixed because I never have to wear them. So all weekend I had to walk around with tape holding the glasses together. I'm good now...
Yesterday we went to my friend Alicia's son's 1st birthday party. It was a barn yard them...way cute...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I love TV

All my favorite shows are back on TV. I am such a reality show junky it's pitiful. American Idol starts back up tonight. I've been watching this show since the very 1st season...I'm pretty excited about it. The Bachelor started up last week and I'm hooked already...Leven is even watching it with me this season, and Trever! Lost starts back up next week...that is our "family" show. We all love that one too. And of course Grey's Anatomy.

Taydem is so funny. Every day she is doing something different and it just cracks me up. The other night she was pretending to rub lotion on her legs. She was acting as if she were squirting the lotion onto her hands and then rubbing it on her legs. It was too cute. She's all into dressing her dolls, but with her own clothes. She had a diaper out the other night, but she couldn't figure out how it worked. She just knew it went down there...she's too smart!

It's been pretty cold here...which I really love, but I'm so ready for Spring and flip flop weather. We went and saw Bride Wars on's a chick flick for sure, but way cute! I've also seen Brad Pitt's movie and 7 Pounds. I want to see Gran Torino next! Until next time...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

House plans under way

We've been going over our house plans for about a month now. So far this is what we have. I'm getting really excited about it...we are still making changes every day to little things. This morning I got an email about our powder room. I didn't know where I wanted the door to be...
Here are some of the pics showing the layout of the house...

Master bath
Master bath
Game room
Coming in from garage into gameroom

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to business...

Well school started back up for Trever and Leven. Trever was actually really excited to get back to school. I'm sure Leven was too. Trever is still playing basketball and will soon try out for a select baseball team. He's getting taller...almost as tall as me...I still got him by about 3 inches.

Taydem is a DRAMA QUEEN! I think I have already stated that several times. She can finally say Mamma! And believe me, she says it all the's really cute. Last night we were watching TV (The Bachelor, I told myself I wasn't going to watch it this season, but of course you can't watch the first episode and not the rest!!!!!!) and Taydem had gotten one of her dolls and was trying to put her clothes on the baby doll. It was so sweet. She was just a talking to the baby too. That girl loves to eat!! I'm not sure where it goes, but she's an eater.

We got our house plans back over the weekend. We LOVE IT, and the house isn't even built yet. It's a little bigger than we wanted. I just hope we can afford the thing once it gets built. But it's perfect for us. Leven got his game room and I have my big kitchen! Hopefully we will break ground within the next month. Can't wait!!

Friday, January 2, 2009