Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Weekend

This weekend our friends Patrick and Kimberly are coming for a visit. They should be here tonight. Leven and Patrick are big poker players together so I think they may go visit the boats tonight. Kim is having a little girl and is due mid February, Mallory. Tomorrow I have a baby shower at 2 for Tiffany, Tate's wife. She is due mid December and is also having a little girl, Caroline. After the shower is the big volleyball game against Pine Tree and Hallsville. They are having a playoff game to see who goes first in district since they both ended 11-1. They are playing at 5 in Tatum's gym. Tatum's new gym was finished last spring and is awesome. They are also building a million dollar softball and baseball complex. The school doesn't even look the same since I was there....and it's only been 10 years!!!! I feel so old saying that. My parents should be back from Tennessee late Sunday night. Pray for a safe trip home...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Our little snow white

This weekend went by so fast. Saturday we layed around the house and watched football and played cards. That night Leven, Tay, and I went over to one of Leven's coaches house for some hamburgers. On Sunday are church was having a fall festival called "Trunk or Treat" so we took Taydem up there for a little while. She is Snow White this year for Halloween. The festival was a little too old for her but she still enjoyed her dancing! Tomorrow is Leven's last district game. Hopefully afterwards they will be 11-1! Not to shabby for a first year coach...
What's so funny lil' skunk???

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Burfday Daddy!

Today is my dad's birthday, the big 6-1! Tonight we are going over to my parents house and having some hamburger's to celebrate. My parents are leaving this weekend for Tennessee. My grandparents have been up there since August and now they need someone to come get them. We don't let my Papaw drive up there anymore so my Uncle drove them up and flew home. That's where my grandparents are from and they enjoy going up there and staying every year. My parents will make a little vacation out of it. I wish we could join them! Maybe next time...

Taydem had tubes put in her ears yesterday. We were up there for about 3 hours total, but the surgery itself only lasted 15 minutes. The doctor said she's been hearing things as though she was under water all this time. She had that much fluid behind her ears. So now the tooter poot can hear!! It's amazing how they bounce back right after they wake up. She cried for about 15 minutes, slept for about 30 and was good to go after that.

Shout out to Danin-------> I hope things continue to work out with Clint!
I love you sista!

Monday, October 20, 2008 them!

The Lady Pirates lost their first district game on Friday to Hallsville. This gives both Pine Tree and Hallsville one loss a piece. We both still have 2 more games until they decide what to do further. Hopefully Hallsville will lose one of their 2 games left (or both) and we win both of ours to make us district champs...
This weekend was the prettiest weekend yet so far. After church on Sunday, Mom cooked everyone a delicious lunch and we played outside with the kids. Here are some of the pics!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

1990 Yearbook

I told Leven this is what I could've looked like if I graduated with him....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contract already??

So our house has been back on the market for 2 weeks...we get a call on Monday that 2 people want it....yesterday we signed a contract! I am so excited about this...we hope this doesn't fall through this time. We've been praying and praying for this to happen...God Truly Answers Prayers....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catch up time...

Trever made all A's this first 6 weeks...two of his classes are advanced also. So proud of him! He also is "talking" to a new girl he says...

Leven is 8-0 and plays Texas High tonight and the big game is against Hallsville on Friday. Hallsville has only lost to us so it should be an exciting game.

Taydem is doing fine...she's at the stage where she throws herself on the floor and rolls around. It drives us crazy...

We have 2 people wanting to put a contract down on our house!! I'm so pumped about this..hopefully we will get one of those a contract by the end of the week...keep praying.

This morning I went and shot some photos for the new fitness center opening up in Longview. The photos will go in their brochure. It was fun! I want to be tone like the women working there that's for sure...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another win!

Lady Pirates beat Longview last night in 4 games....they have won 10 straight and 13 out of 14!
Here are some recent pics of Taydem over the weekend...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lady Pirates

Pine Tree Lady Pirates are 6-0 in district so far....

Sickness everywhere

So over the weekend Leven and I decide to head to the boats. Trever was out of town and my parents kept Taydem for us...whoo hoo no kids for a night. We were really excited, especially Leven. The night was horrible!!!! I ended up getting extremely sick at the boats and throwing up all on the lobby floor in front of everyone. I tried to get to the restroom but obviously didn't make it in time. I'm sure everyone who saw me thought, poor girl is already that drunk and it's only 8:30! So let's just say that night I spent it in the restroom at home. So much for having a good time with your husband....

On Sunday we celebrated my nephews birthday. Aidan is already 5 (his birthday is actually today!)! So we had some cake at Mom's house and visited with the family. I tried to steer clear of everyone since I was sick, but it was only a 24 hour bug and I felt fine that day. So my sister-in-law tells my mom that Truitt is throwing up today....yikes! Last night Leven got sick...he's a big baby alright...he had the same thing as Taydem and I and you would've thought he was dieing...haha! Men...I just pray that Trever and Danin don't get sick....

I took pictures of Taydem at the pumpkin patch on Saturday and I will get them up soon...Leven plays Longview tonight. His mom and her husband are coming down to watch the game...(Hey Ann, I know you will read this!)

Friday, October 3, 2008

What a night...

We were extremely tired last night so we went to bed pretty early. About 11:30 I woke up to Taydem throwing up. It was the nastiest thing ever! She's never done this before or have I ever been around a baby that has. It was all in her hair, on her face, on her clothes, stunk like poop, and I almost threw up too. So after I cleaned her up I put her back in bed (thinking she felt better) and crawled back into bed and I hear....ROUND 2! This time I had to give her a bath. So for the rest of the night the poor baby dry heaved. So we took turns checking was horrible! So this morning she felt like a new baby. I'm not really sure what happened last night. I guess she picked up a little bug. Tomorrow we are going to my friend Carla's sons birthday party in Tyler. Then we are going to take Taydem to a pumpkin patch...I think Leven and I are going to the boats tomorrow night...wish us luck!