Thursday, August 21, 2008

Up and Running!

Well it's been a little while since I've posted anything. (I'm trying to figure this website out.)

I've found a job, yeah! That relieved so much stress from the both of us. I'm working for an environmental company that works with oil and gas companies. It's all pretty confusing to me right now. There's so much to learn in this field. But I will get it soon.

Leven has been volleyballing for the past couple of weeks now. He's missing home tons and believe me, I hear about it everyday. His team is a really good bunch of girls and they are now getting a good piece of Coach Barker. He's already been in Garland for a tournament and this week he is in Ft. Worth. Busy busy!

Trever is sooo girl crazy all of a sudden. I guess it's about that time though. He cracks me up whenever he flirts...he's something else!

Taydem turns 1 tomorrow!! I can not believe how time flys. She's such a sweet little baby. She loves to give kisses and she loves her mamma! She starts daycare on Monday along with Trever starting 8th grade!

We are still trying to sell our house in Mexia. Once we get it sold, I think we are going to build here in Longview, with the help of my dad and brothers who are all contractors. So that will be exciting. Right now we are still living with my wonderful sister. I feel like we are back in college again rooming together.

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