Friday, August 29, 2008

Time for the weekend.....

This weekend Leven's girls are in the Tyler Tournament. Tonight they play Groesbeck (Mexia's rival) at 6:30. Isn't that crazy? I'm sure Groesbeck will want to kick Pine Tree's butt for good just b/c Leven is the coach. Good Luck Lady Pirates!

This weekend Danin's friend's Jeni and Bridget are coming to hang out and Leven's friend Billy will also join us. We will probably go out on the lake for our last summer outing!! Fun fun....

Monday...NO WORK!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


On Tuesday Trever started football practice as a Pirate! We all know when you go to a bigger school, there's going to be more kids. So after the first day of practice he was placed on the 5th STRING! I didn't even know there was a 5th string. So of course he was really bummed out about it. Leven told him to keep his head high and work hard like he knows how and it will pay off. So yesterday after practice he was moved to the B TEAM!! Huge jump. The coach told Leven that Trever is the best leader they have on the team. I was so excited for him. He also already had homework last night. Trever is extremely smart in math so he is getting his first taste of ALGEBRA 1!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So right now I have 6 of my friends who are preggo. Kristen was pregnant but I believe she had hers today....welcome Kinsley Kay Vest! So the others are Meagan-Dec, Lacey-Nov, Brittany-Dec, Tiffany-Dec, Kimberly-Feb and Samantha-March!! Crazy huh?? So this means...LOTS OF BABY SHOWERS!

Tonight Leven has his 2nd home game, against Whitehouse. But he has asked me and my sister to head to another game tonight to SCOUT!! I just thought my coaching days were over. And my little mini me is going with us. We have to take turns playing with her at the game so the other one can watch. Then we switch!! She's a mess right now.

OMG! I am going to gain like 10 pounds if I don't start working out. I sit behind a desk all day now and I have all these great places to go eat lunch now!! I need a workout plan...and then stick with it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend update!

Yesterday we had Taydem's birthday at my parent's (so thankful for them) house. I think she had a pretty good 1st birthday. We had tons of family and a few friends there. Leven's parents both drove in for the occasion. We had a slipin' slide and a huge blowup slide for the kiddos. We are so blessed to be surrounded by loving people. Taydem got hooked up on all the presents. Little girl clothes are the cutest!! She wasn't too crazy about the cake. She didn't know what to do with it at first. Overall it was a very memorable 1st!

Today is Trever and Taydem's first day of school (well daycare for the little tot). Trever was sooo nervous last night and this morning. It's always hard being new at something, especially school. Taydem of course cried when I dropped her off. I walked away from her and then HAD to go back to make sure she was ok. She had already stopped crying when I peeked back in the door.

Here are a few pics from the party!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Chelsea designed this! Isn't it the cutest thing little tooter poot!!

Thank you CUZ and Happy Birthday TAYDEM ELIZABETH

So today is my little girls birthday! I can't believe she is 1!! She's my little angel.

Leven is up in Ft. Worth with his volleyball team. This is one of the toughest tourney's in the state...hopefully they won't get killed!! Go LadyPirates....

From Longview News Journal:

It just happened really quick," Barker said. "You want to get that type of stuff done as fast as possible, not for the coaches but for the kids. Leaving my kids over there was a tough thing to do this late in the year." Barker arrives at Pine Tree after nine seasons as head coach at Mexia, where he won at least 19 games eight times and went to the playoffs seven times. Barker, who has also coached at Crockett and has 270 wins in 13 seasons, won 20 or more games seven times at Mexia. Definitely you're going to feel a little pressure," Barker said. "There's a lot of expectations for Pine Tree. The thing about that pressure is we don't have 6-4 McCrays coming through. There's a little pressure, but I'm used to pressure. There was a lot pressure where I came from to win every year. That's just part of coaching.

Ok...thanks to my wonderful and talented cousin, I now have my BLOG looking oh so cute! Thanks Chelsea--I LOVE IT!!

Last but not least---


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Up and Running!

Well it's been a little while since I've posted anything. (I'm trying to figure this website out.)

I've found a job, yeah! That relieved so much stress from the both of us. I'm working for an environmental company that works with oil and gas companies. It's all pretty confusing to me right now. There's so much to learn in this field. But I will get it soon.

Leven has been volleyballing for the past couple of weeks now. He's missing home tons and believe me, I hear about it everyday. His team is a really good bunch of girls and they are now getting a good piece of Coach Barker. He's already been in Garland for a tournament and this week he is in Ft. Worth. Busy busy!

Trever is sooo girl crazy all of a sudden. I guess it's about that time though. He cracks me up whenever he flirts...he's something else!

Taydem turns 1 tomorrow!! I can not believe how time flys. She's such a sweet little baby. She loves to give kisses and she loves her mamma! She starts daycare on Monday along with Trever starting 8th grade!

We are still trying to sell our house in Mexia. Once we get it sold, I think we are going to build here in Longview, with the help of my dad and brothers who are all contractors. So that will be exciting. Right now we are still living with my wonderful sister. I feel like we are back in college again rooming together.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We've moved!

OMG! We recently moved back to East Texas. We've been praying and praying that God would place us somewhere special for our family and it has finally happened. Leven was hired as the head volleyball coach at Pine Tree in Longview. Everything is happening so fast. We are still trying to sell our home back in Mexia and I am looking for a job. I'm not going to teach anymore. I wanted to try something different. So please keep us in your prayers as we jump into this crazy adventure!