Friday, February 3, 2017


We have got a busy weekend up ahead.  Today, in like 2 hours, I will head up to Dallas for my volleyball tournament tomorrow.  First tournament with these 12 year olds....boy are they nervous.  Leven will leave in the morning and drive up as well.  He has a few girls playing as well but in a different location.  After volleyball is over we will have a fun night out! He starts track soon and we wanted a night away before he gets going with that.

Then Sunday---- it's the Super Bowl!

Today is my Mom's birthday! Love her bunches and we will all celebrate her on Sunday before Super Bowl!

Tay can now throw her back handspring on the trampoline.  It won't be long before she does it on the ground!

My Meme is so special.  She loves baby dolls! She always tell me that growing up she never had the chance to play with dolls.  I guess at 93, it's still ok to play with them! So sweet.

My sweetheart of a friend, Carla.  We met at Lon Morris and every time we get together, we pick up right where we left off! Love her dearly.  Last night we got to see Tim Tebow speak. 

Tenlee is sooooooo throwing up the peace sign in this picture.  Hard to tell...but this makes me laugh!

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