Friday, February 3, 2017


We have got a busy weekend up ahead.  Today, in like 2 hours, I will head up to Dallas for my volleyball tournament tomorrow.  First tournament with these 12 year olds....boy are they nervous.  Leven will leave in the morning and drive up as well.  He has a few girls playing as well but in a different location.  After volleyball is over we will have a fun night out! He starts track soon and we wanted a night away before he gets going with that.

Then Sunday---- it's the Super Bowl!

Today is my Mom's birthday! Love her bunches and we will all celebrate her on Sunday before Super Bowl!

Tay can now throw her back handspring on the trampoline.  It won't be long before she does it on the ground!

My Meme is so special.  She loves baby dolls! She always tell me that growing up she never had the chance to play with dolls.  I guess at 93, it's still ok to play with them! So sweet.

My sweetheart of a friend, Carla.  We met at Lon Morris and every time we get together, we pick up right where we left off! Love her dearly.  Last night we got to see Tim Tebow speak. 

Tenlee is sooooooo throwing up the peace sign in this picture.  Hard to tell...but this makes me laugh!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Tatum 12U

I've been coaching club volleyball for 8 years.  In the past I have always coached 8th-9th grade but this year I took a big {BIG} step back and decided to do 6th grade.  After starting Lil Bumpers, I saw the potential in some of the 6th graders and opened up the thought to some of the parents.  I had 13 show up for tryouts and 9 made the team.  This age is completly different than what I'm used to.  I immediately recognized this and had to change my whole thought process on my coaching, practices, my PATIENCE...everything.  They are working so hard and I'm excited to see how they do in their first tournament.  We have a scrimmage set for this coming Sunday, so that will at least give me a heads up before our Feb. 4th tournament.

Side note: I keep telling Leven I'm getting these girls ready for him one day.  Also, we "make" (not really, well....yes we do) Taydem come to the practices with me and she works out with my girls.  She's just as good, just way smaller!

In other news---- The Dallas Cowboys lost yesterday.  Heartbreaker! Such a good come back but Aaron Rogers couldn't be stopped!

I hurt my foot last Tuesday on my run.  The top of my foot.  I swear I'm just getting old I guess.  Plus my body isn't used to me running.  My feet were probably screaming for help!  So I took off a day and ran on it on Saturday.  Big mistake.  I feel like it's just not getting any better. Going to try and lay off a few more days, but I don't want to put myself behind.

Happy MLK Day!



Friday, January 13, 2017


Well Hellllloooooo

So it's been since July {2016} since I shared any kind of news about us.  Work got busy, life was zipping by and I just let myself go with this blog. I want to try and keep it up as much as I can because I've been writing on this thing for like 8 years.  Can't stop...won't stop!

So another new year (thank you Lord!) and let's add #dobetterblogging to my list of New Years Resolutions.

Devin- Here's the most exciting thing so far for me in 2017----I signed up to run a half marathon.  WHAT?  I started training for it last week and my body feels like it got hit by a Mack Truck! This week I added two days a week with a trainer (she's awesome and she's right here in small town Tatum).  I will be focusing on toning my body more with her and less cardio since I'm already RUNNING other days during the week.  I am scared to death to run 13 miles but I love giving myself a goal.  A challenge. Danin and my sister in law, Chrissy, are also training with me.  Our race is April 22!

Us 8 went to Nashville back in September..What fun we had!
Leven had the best volleyball season of his 22 years a few months ago.  His team was 5 points away (not kidding) from making it to the STATE TOURNAMENT! Which is incrediable but at the same time heart breaking to know he was that close.  They went 5 games (last game was 10-15) against the defending state champs.  5 GAMES!! When going into the Regional Tournament, if anyone would have told me we would be Krum (also in 5 games) and then go 5 with Argyle, I would have laughed and then said "You crazy!" But we did....what an emotional 2 games to end the season.  I was so happy and proud for Leven.

Trever- Well let's just say he had an awesome FALL....a little too awesome.  He ended up doing bad in 2 of his engineering classes and the Dean said "Bye bye!" It's his fault and now he's having to pay for it (literally!).  He blew through all of his summer earning..All.Of.It.  So now he's having to find a job for this semester and he had to change his major.  Bummer...He's now majoring in GeoPhyics.  And I hope he now understands what it means to get serious about LIFE!!  He's gonna have a whole different semester this go least he better!

Taydem- Her first 6 weeks as a 3rd grader was pretty rough.  Going from Tatum Primary to Tatum Elementary is a huge leap.  Which is wonderful and I'm not complaining at all, but she and I had to get our butts in gear. She ended up making 3 B's.  I had to get a grip on myself and chill out a little.  She still did great and worked hard...but I knew she could do better.  Lots more tests, tons of reading and I'm still signing stuff every night.  It's a lot yall.  The 2nd six weeks she made all A's and an 89! What an improvement.  She kicked major butt playing her first year of Lil Bumpers (this is the volleyball program I started in Tatum with help from wonderful, hard working volunteers.  The first season was wonderful!).  She's working on her back hand spring now in tumbling.  And is simply just growing up!

Tenlee- This child is so funny.  We laugh at her every day.  She and Taydem look nothing alike and really their personalities are some what different.  They are both well mannered, laid back, GOOD kids.  We've always been able to take them out in public without either of them having a meltdown. Taydem is such a big help with Tenlee.  They continue to sleep with each other every night and their relationship is getting stronger and stronger.  I love seeing them play together, love on each other and fight! lol.  Tenlee is now talking and communicating with us which is the best ever! She loves anything Taydem loves.  She is a cuddle bug and loves TV and sleeping.  She's more my child and Taydem is more Leven's child. I will try and post more video clips of her and her funny expressions. She completes our family for sure!