Monday, December 29, 2014

Absent minded...or just absent

I honestly don't even know where to begin.  This month is completely done...OVER with! So I figured the easiest thing to do is to post a few pictures and describe what has happened over the past several weeks.  We had a wonderful Christmas with all our family and friends.  Flew by, of course.  We have our pad on our house finished.  But it hasn't stopped raining enough to let us start on the next process.  It has just been a nasty couple of weeks outside.  Cold and nasty!
Leven had a great deer season this year.  Our freezer (well actually my parent's freezer at the moment) is stocked full!

 Taydem bought Leven a backscratcher for Christmas.  She was so excited to give us all the presents she picked out for us.  I love that she's a giver!
 The cup Trever is holding is the gift Taydem bought him, hehe!
Santa was good to all three kiddos.  Whew...It's always hard this time of year, but it's worth it come Christmas morning. Taydem got her tablet she's been wanting now for a couple of years along with new American Girl Doll stuff, clothes, toys, etc.  She's very "artsy" and I hope she stays this way.  We are very blessed!  
 Momma got some some tennis shoes from Santa!
 Headed to Mexia! We had a good visit.  We visited with Grans first and then with Louie and Gwen.  That night we went to the Falcon and got to see some friends! Good times.
 Taydem and I had a movie date! We saw "Into the Woods!" And we LOVED it!
 There's about 5 of us from my company that are moving into a new office down the street.  We are considered the "environmental" department and they got us our our office! My desk arrived today and I went to let them in.  I stayed for just a second and snapped a pic of some of my desk! Ready to move in soon.
 Two precious sisters.  Tenlee adores Taydem.  And at any second of the day, Taydem can make Tenlee laugh.  It's the best! They are the best.  So thankful for our kids!

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