Monday, December 10, 2012

Chilly Temps

I didn't even want to leave the office today for lunch because it's cold outside! Maybe we will build us a fire tonight.....

Leven finally made it home yesterday after being gone several days on his first hunting trip.  He usually takes two hunting trips in December.  Me and the kids stay so busy that we usually don't even miss him!! Ok, we start missing him after day 3! Trever was in a basketball tournament the entire weekend and Taydem and I shopped and I had club volleyball practice.  So we tried to stay busy ourselves.  My company had a Christmas party one night and another night Taydem and I spent the night with my sister.  The weekend flew by.  Leven said he had a great time hanging out with the guys, but they didn't see any deer! So the hunting part of the trip, sucked!

Trever's basketball team is doing much better this season than they did last year.  He's getting more confindent at shooting! District starts in a few weeks.

Taydem has a double ear infection right now.  She woke up last Friday and told me her right ear hurt a little bit.  Whenever she says any ear hurts, I make an appointment.  Her ears are precious in every way and scares me to death.  She never hurts! The last infection she had was back in May and of course she had fluid behind both ears, not bad...thank goodness, but he went ahead and got her on medicine.  We have an appointment with her ENT on Wednesday to get things checked out!

I am loving my new club volleyball team.  My favorite so far.  These girls are working so hard and are super coachable.  They are eager and wanting to learn so bad.  These girls even ask questions! I love it.  And we have only had 3 practices.

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