Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work it

Yesterday at work I did all kinds of NEW things! I did my first sampling. After the oil spill that happened a couple of weeks ago, you have to take samples of the area after it's all cleaned up to make sure there's no oil still in the soil and surrounding waters. After you collect the samples, they must be taken to a lab for results. Check out our cooler full of samples.
A little bit later, I got to drive the dozer and be the operator for just a little while. As a child, my dad had a dirt construction company and he had this type of equipment. But being a little GIRL, I never had the chance to drive it like my older brother's did. So yesterday was a blast. I only got to drive it for about 10 minutes, but I got the hang of it and didn't want to stop. Something about running over trees and brush is COOL!
You ask?? Of course I had the beginning. Paul was in the cab with me teaching me how to operate all those gadgets. Then he decided to film some of it! Check it out....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rip it!

Trever is doing really well so far this year in baseball. He's already made the paper three times! (Longview News Journal). This past weekend bases were loaded and we were down 3-0. Trever steps up to bat and rips it to center field over the players head. He gets a triple and ties the game with 3 RBI's! They ended up winning that game 8-4! He has played 3rd and 1st base and is doing well on defense too.

And then there's sassy pants!
"Mommie, take my picture! I look cute today!"

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's getting to me

I am worn out these days! I think this will be my last year to coach a club volleyball team. Two practices a week and weekend tournaments are getting to be too much. This past weekend we had another tournament in the Garland area. Ronny and Debbie Maxey were nice enough to let Leven and I stay in their condo. Their condo is by far one of the nicest places I've stayed at. It's located in Uptown Dallas one the 7th floor. So cool! Here's a picture of our view Sunday morning.

My team this year is struggling! We just can't seem to get it together. The problem is these girls are way to soft. None of them have a competitive bone in their bodies. They are just out their to play. I don't think they care if they win or lose. So it DRIVES ME CRAZY, when I'm trying to coach them. So if you do bad on Saturday pool play, then you have the later games on Sunday. And that means getting home later!! **Another reason to be worn out**

Trever started baseball (finally) last Wednesday. His first game is tonight!

Taydem is getting bigger and smarter! I can tell a big change in her these past couple of months.

Leven is on to coaching Track for this Spring. His first meet got cancelled (rain, this past Saturday) so he was able to go with me to my volleyball tournament. I never talked about Valentine's last week. Leven hooked me up with a nice pair of sunglasses and flowers!

I have always liked any kind of video games. Growing up my parents wouldn't let us kids have a video game system in our house because 1. They knew we would all fight over it AND 2. They didn't want us stuck in the house behind a TV all day. So I would find ways to always get my hands on one. Usually at our cousins or friends house. Well now I'm in my 30's and I'm hooked on these stupid iphone games! Angry birds, Bejeweled, and Temple Run. I will lay in bed at night playing these games until I'm about to pass out. Plus, I always have to beat my score from the night before! Temple Run is my new obsession. I finally broke my record last night. If you don't play this game, then you have no idea what this score means!! I'm still not as good as A LOT of folks, but it's my best score.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Houston has died. Such a sad loss. She was one of my icons growing up! Loved her and her talented voice. We ask ourselves, how can someone who has it all, be so sad.

The Grammy's actually rocked last night. They have pretty much sucked these past few years and I enjoyed every minute of it last night. Except for a few let's see.. Nikki Minaj (WTH?), and the whole Mickey Mouse head DJ person??

This weekend was so nice just to sit around all day and do nothing! Friday night I took my mom to dinner and to a movie for her birthday. We saw, "The Vow!" Sweet movie. Loved our time together.

Saturday morning I had a facial (love!), washed clothes all day, watched two movies with Leven (Moneyball and Breaking Dawn: Part 1), and cooked a little supper!

Sunday we went to church and then got a little sweet black kitty for Taydem for Valentine's Day! She named him "Buddy!" haha  He has blue eyes...super sweet right now. And she LOVES it! She was mad this morning bc she couldn't stay home and play with him all day. She did not want to go to school.
Last night we all went over to Mom and Dad's for some chili and to celebrate the February birthdays, Mom and Truitt! My two baby nieces joined the party for the first time!!

Trever's last basketball game is tomorrow night! Thank goodness. He is so ready to get into baseball. He took the A.C.T. test this past Saturday. He's almost a senior! WOW

Have a good week!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My last post I showed you my two new beautiful adorable nieces Tyler and Brittyn! Well I can't leave out my other beautiful niece, Austyn! She is two and her and Taydem have become big buds! Last Friday night we had Austyn over to spend the night. Those two had a ball with each other. I love that I'm here close to my brothers and sister and that our kids can grow up together. That's one thing about my childhood that I love! We were so blessed to grow up with all our cousins around us. Here are a few pictures of Taytay and Austyn and then the last couple of pictures are from this past weekend that my sister in law took of a big MESS Austyn made. These two pictures make me laugh!!

Look at this face!

Cant help but BRAG!

Check out my two precious baby nieces!

Tyler Grace
Brittyn Elizabeth