Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sing Sing sing

If you know me pretty well then you know I LOVE to sing! I sang my first solo in church with my dad when I was 7! I will never forget that and I actually still know all the words of my dad's part and mine. I then sang a solo in 5th grade at my church and my school choir. Once I got into junior high I was involved with the church youth choir and I continued singing in my school choir. In the youth choir at church I had the solo for the song "Oh Happy Day!" Fun times in youth choir! We traveled to Hawaii my 8th grade year, Boston my 10th grade year, and Seattle my senior year! I have memories from those cities that will last forever. After high school I got a choir scholarship to my junior college and I met one of my bestest friends there, Carla! I didn't really enjoy singing in college so I only did it for one year. I have sang in 3 weddings and I'm singing at my sister's wedding this summer! But for a while there I really just got out of singing. I joined our adult church choir back in August and have really enjoyed it so far. Our choir director is pretty awesome! So the whole point of this blog is to tell you that I'm singing THIS Sunday in church! Tim asked me about 2 weeks ago if I would like to sing a solo soon and I said sure! But I really didn't know it would be 2 weeks later. When he told me about it I ended up getting strep and then that weekend I had to coach my last volleyball tournament. Needless to say I was horse for about 2 days! I was freakin out b/c I couldn't sing the song. It's an upbeat song and a song I can really get down with! And I really like it! But I was scared I wouldn't be able to sing it. Tonight I finally get to practice singing it with the choir and orchestra and hopefully after that I will feel more comfortable about it. After Sunday I will give you an update on how I did! My hands are sweating right now thinking about it! ha

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flowers brighten my day

I have never been much of a flower girl until I moved into my new home. I was always the girl that would much rather have a "gift" that I could use then receiving flowers that died within a week. I just thought that was kind of silly and I'm such a tight wad anyways. But now everytime I go grocery shopping I stop and buy some flowers to place around my house. I have TONS of vases that were never getting used and were just kept in my cabinets! The flowers really do brighten my day when I come home from work and see them!

So Leven if you are reading this right now.......HINT HINT!

Friday, April 23, 2010


These past few days were spent in Houston for a Quickbooks training seminar. Natalie and I headed down there after lunch on Tuesday. We brought her 5 year old son Cole with us b/c he was going to spend a couple of days at his Meme's house. We started off that night eating dinner with her MIL and Cole at Chuy's! Yum Yum! We then headed to our hotel to get settled in. Once we arrived we saw a few people dressed as clowns walking around the lobby, hum? To our suprise, our hotel was also hosting the International CLOWN Convention. OMG! We could not stop laughing. Really?, a clown convention?? Hilarious! This was about 9 o'clock at night and they were still dressed up. I think we were more interested in the clowns then what we were really there for. They had classes on face painting, balloon designs, being funny, etc! Really? We couldn't believe it. And let me tell you, they were from everywhere.

We had to take a picture to show everyone back at work!

This picture cracks me up! We get home from our last night there and this clown is passed smooth out in the lobby! NO MAM!

While we were there we met up with my cousins Chelsea and Channing for dinner! They chose a super delicious place and I am still talking about that steak! Thanks you two! I hate that we live away from each other. I love them to death! I was really ready to get back home after this trip! I will say that Natalie and I had a blast together. Full of memories................!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Volleyball is OVER!

This past weekend was my last volleyball tournament. It seems like it was just starting back in January. It was the Lone Star Classic (big one!) and was held at the Dallas Convention Center and lasted way too long! It was Friday-Sunday and I was dragging out of that gym Sunday afternoon. My team had to forfeit on Friday b/c too many of them play softball and had a district game that night. But, I still had to drive up there and get my team registered between 12-2. Bummer! I ended up watching Leven's older girls play. Thank goodness I roomed with the other coach, Kristen! We had so much fun together. My girls ended the season pretty well and I was proud of them. Looking back in January they all improved so much. I'm excited to watch them play this fall now that I've gotten to know all of them so good. But I was ready to get home Sunday and sleep in my own bed.

Now, it's Tuesday and I leave this afternoon for Houston. My work is sending Natalie and I down that way for training. I was pretty excited about it a month ago, but now I'm not. I was just gone and now I'm leaving again. I couldn't wait to get home and see Tay on Sunday. She misses her Momma when I'm not there. Now, Leven has to hold the fort down for a few more days! Thanks baby! I know it won't hurt him!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I entered Taydem in a photo contest for Parent's Magazine! They will choose 20 semi-finalists in June and then by August they will narrow it down to 8 I think. Ten of the semi finalists will be chosen just by how many votes they received. The other ten will be picked by judges. So add this link to your favorites and vote vote vote for her! The winner will be on the cover of November's Parent's Magazine.

Vote Today!

Thank you for entering the Parents Magazine Cover Contest! Your photo is currently in the running to become one of our weekly Reader’s Choice finalists! The photo with the most votes this week will go into our semi-final Reader’s Choice round for a chance to travel to New York City for the Parents Cover Contest Photo Shoot.

Come back daily! Voting ends 04/18/2010.
Get your friends and family to vote too! Just forward this email to them or share the link.
Parents Magazine Cover Contest and Reader's Choice Official Rules.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

happy birthday ashby

My nephew turned 4 last week and his parents threw him a birthday party over the weekend! He had a football themed party! Tatum ISD recenlty built an in door football facility! OMG, it's the coolest thing I've ever seen. And let me add, I'm way jealous. We had nothing like this when I came through school there. So that's where his party was held! Happy Birthday Ashby Duke! Check it out:

Monday, April 5, 2010

A song, pink nails and wonderful food

On Saturday we went to listen to my nephew Truitt sing the National Anthem again for the opening day for the Kilgore baseball league. He sang it last year for the first time and they asked him to come back and sing it again. He did so good! Here are some pictures of Truitt and Taydem at the ball park.

After he sang, Danin and I ran some errands while we were out. One of our stops was to get a pedicure! So we couldn't help it.......Tay got her toes and nails done too!

That night Eric, Danin, Leven, Tay and I went to eat at Shoguns! Yummy!! After we ate we headed back to our house and my bestest friend Samantha and her hubby came over!! (and samantha you are NOT an "old" friend!) We looked through "old" pictures from college and laughed about each one! We miss our times together!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

She's a ham, a cute one!

Taydem and I went to my parent's farm and had some pictures taken! The navy outfit was too adorable! Too bad the wind didn't coorperate!