Monday, March 30, 2009 times

We had a blast in Shreveport. Sonny and Kent got to our house around 10 on Friday and decided they wanted to go out. So Leven took them out to a bar here in Longview and they didn't get home until almost 3!! They had so much fun...and were hurting the next morning. We dropped Taydem off at my parent's around noon and then headed on our way. Once we got to the casino the boys all started playing Texas Hold 'Em and I decided to go shopping at The Boardwalk. I spent about 2 hours there and then headed back to round up the guys for dinner. We were also meeting my friend Lucas and his wife for dinner. We got to Superior around 6 ish and of course the place was packed! We stayed for an hour and a half and we were still WAY down the list to get seated. By then we all had a few drinks and wanted to go ahead and get something quick to eat so we could go back to the casino. So we ate at MCDONALDS! We were all cracking was quick all right. So we spent the rest of the night at the casino. The El Dorado has a really fun bar that always has a live band. So we spent half the night in there and then we thought we would play craps about 2 in the morning! I was sooo worn out yesterday...I'm seriously getting to told for all the late night partying!

Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm too excited about this weekend. We are going to Shreveport to hang out at the boats, do some shopping, and eat some good food! Two of Leven's friends from Mexia are meeting us over there and some friends from Dallas as well. Tomorrow we are leaving around noon to get an early start. Leven and his buds are going to play some Texas Hold 'Em during the day while I go to The Boardwalk and do a little shopping. That night we will probably eat some mexican food at Superior and then head out on the town. I'm sure I will have tons of pics!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here

We had a packed weekend. Saturday morning I got up and headed to a skeet shooting range to help my company cook breakfast for all the shooters. I had to get up so freakin' early, but we were finished by 9. Then I took Taydem to my Meme's house and took pictures of her by all the flowers. After that we cleaned the boat up really good and put it in the water for the first time. Leven, Taydem, Danin, Brandi and I were out on the lake for about 3 hours soaking up the sun. It was so nice being out on the water. Leven keeps telling me to look on the bright side about not getting our house started yet. He said at least we will be on the lake all summer, he has a point! Saturday night I went to a wine tasting/lingerie shower for a good friend of ours. Krystal is getting married at the end of April so we all got together to celebrate. The house the party was at was amazing! Yesterday after church Mom and Dad wanted to have a fish fry and get the family all together. Our family "loves" having a fish fry whenever possible...and my dad can sure cook some good fish! And to top off the weekend, the weather was beautiful!

Friday, March 20, 2009


This week has been the LONGEST week I have ever had.

Leven came home yesterday afternoon from being in Mexia for a couple of days. I was so glad to see him too. After a couple of days away from your loved one you start to miss them. Tomorrow Mom, Danin, Tay and I are going to Shreveport to do some shopping on the boardwalk. We haven't had a girls day in awhile so tomorrow will be much needed. On Sunday, my parents are having a fish fry for the family! This time of the year is perfect to eat fish. I'm so excited about next weekend though. Leven and I are going to Shreveport on Saturday and meeting some good friends of ours that afternoon and will party all night! Hopefully we won't get tired early...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break sucks

So now that I'm not teaching anymore, SPRING BREAK SUCKS! Over the Christmas break, it wasn't so bad seeing Leven sleep in. But now, I am really missing the good perks about being a teacher. I think summer will be ever worse. Trever is at his mom's over the break visiting family and friends. Leven is heading to Mexia tomorrow morning for a few days with his family and friends. He has been home sick for about a month now. I'm so glad he gets to go home finally and "hang out!"

I love reading other people's blog page. If you are reading mine right now you should hop on over to my cousin Chelsea's page next (Makowsky's Blog). She cracks me up every day with her writing skills. It's funny because I can see her in person saying what she's saying when she's typing. Does that make sense?? She's a good writer. Chelsea write a book for crying aloud!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Let's just face it...the kid is growing up

Last night Trever got inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Mom, Dad, Leven and I were there watching. We are so proud of him. He changes more and more every day. I told him I was picking out some girls that I thought were cute! When we started to leave a girl came up and asked Trever to take a picture with sweet! My pictures turned out blurry! My battery was about to die the whole time so maybe that's why they didn't turn out well...

ALSO...My bestest friend Samantha gave birth to a healthy, and I mean healthy baby boy yesterday. His name is Tanner Lane and he weighed 8 lb 11 oz! I'm so excited for her and Tommy! They will have him on a tractor in no time....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today Trever is playing in a golf tournament for the school. He has been so excited about this for a week now. But with the weather change, sucks for him! Leven is with the team. He's been keeping me updated on the game. He said he birdied the first 2 holes. I'm thinking that's pretty good...Leven said it's freezing and wet. It's pouring down rain and they are still playing out there...again, sucks for THEM!
Tomorrow is Trever's induction into The National Honor Society.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Good visit

Taydem and I had a good visit this past weekend in Mexia. We stayed with Kimberly and Patrick and their new baby girl, Mallory. On Saturday we visited Tammy, Grans and Mike and the Brizendine's! Taydem was worn out by the time we made it back home. On Sunday we visited Louie and Gwen and the rest of the family. We got to see baby Addy as well. She was only 5 days old! Here are some pictures with Baby Mallory and Kendle. On our way back home to Longview we needed a much needed BREAK! Taydem woke up and needed to release some energy. So we stopped at Lon Morris College. That's where I went to junior college and I wanted to see how it has changed since leaving!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cough Cough hack hack

So Taydem was sick yesterday. She was running some fever Wednesday night and then yesterday morning she just didn't feel good. So I stayed home with her. She slept until 10:30! We had already scheduled 2 doctor appointments for that day. She had to go for her 18 month check up and her follow up on her ears since she got tubes put in back in October. She is sooooooooo tiny. The girl loves to eat, but her numbers don't show it. She was 6% on weight, 20% on height and 65% on her head! Little bity toot! She's starting to talk more and more. Her are some words she's been saying...and how she says them!

Hot- Ha
Please- Cheese
Thank You- Tank ooo
Yum Yum- um um

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New baby

Leven's step-sister's son had their baby yesterday. Her name is Adelynn Elaine. (I think I spelt it right) Hopefully I will get to see her this weekend when I head to Mexia! Kim called me yesterday to tell me that we are going to take some pictures of Taydem and Mallory in some wildflowers this weekend! I love taking pictures...I hope it turns out to be a pretty day. I will have them posted on Monday! I'm looking forward to this trip. I know it's killing Leven that I'm going without him. He misses home so much. He said he will make a trip to Mexia over Spring Break!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cedar Creek

My dad is in a blue-grass/gospel band. They performed last Friday night. Check out the link and you can watch them....Dad is the one wearing the hat!

What's the word?

This past weekend we had a wedding shower for Krystal. She is getting married in April. I had to bring Taydem with me since Leven was doing baseball and track. Oh lord! She is a busy bee!! She's is starting to talk a whole lot more. I'm not really sure what she's saying, but she tries. This weekend she and I are going to Mexia by ourselves. We are going to stay with Kim and Patrick. I haven't seen their little baby girl yet. I'm so excited. We will also make our rounds while we are there. We will visit Grans and Mike and Pawpaw and Nana.

Some other news, my cousin Peyton is pregnant. This will be her first with her hubby Ted! Her baby is due in September.