Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gotta Find the Time

It's 4:10 pm and I have been working like a slave ALL day. We have around 35 reports due at the end of the week and it's been crunch time around my office these past few weeks. But right now: I'm.Slap.Tired of looking at all these reports so I'm taking a break to catch up on the blog. Let's see:

Leven is still upset over the loss. It will take time. But now he is done with school at a normal decent hour until track season starts back up in February. Trever made the VARSITY basketball team this year and his first game is tonight. I'm super exctied! Taydem is so girly. But we all already knew this. She's attached at my hip these days. My shadow. And every day when I pick her up from school she wants to know where we are going and what we are doing for that night. She's loves to go and go. Club volleyball is underway...yea!! I am coaching 8th grade again this year and I'm really looking forward to getting to work with this group of girls. We have our first meeting tonight. Practices will start first of December! We got RAIN today. Let me type it one more time...RAIN!

We went to our families deer camp this past Friday and spent the night. Leven wanted to hunt a little Friday afternoon and then Saturday morning. So his bright idea was to bring Taydem and I with him in the deer stand. Taydem actually did pretty good (being quiet and all) for about 40 minutes then he and I both had enough. We had a good night visiting with the family around the fire. Although sleeping wasn't the best. Leven and I were sharing a twin bed...bahah. Insert laugh....

Below is Taydem's new pose. She gets on my facebook ALL the time and I think she found some pictures of all the junior high and high school girls. This is their most famous pose these days. Peace sign, kissy lips! Again, she's a mess and so grown up already!

And this picture below is my handsome (skinny) husband! He lost over 20 pounds during volleyball season. But he's been like this since I've known him.

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